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  • Unclear messaging system


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OasisActive 2023 Review


OasisActive is a popular online dating platform that connects people from all over the world. It was launched in 2008 and has since grown to become one of the most widely used apps for finding love, friendship, or just someone to chat with. OasisActive currently boasts more than 20 million active users worldwide and continues to grow every day. The app caters primarily towards young adults between 18-35 years old who are looking for casual relationships or something more serious like marriage.

The main features offered by OasisActive include profile creation, search filters based on age range and location preferences as well as instant messaging capabilities so you can get chatting right away! You also have access to various groups where you can join discussions about topics such as music, travel advice or relationship advice depending on your interests. Additionally there’s an option available which allows members near each other (within 10km) meet up in person if they wish too – this feature really helps make sure everyone feels safe when meeting new people through the app!

Owned by 3H Group Pty Ltd., it’s no surprise that Australia is home base for this social network; however its popularity stretches across five countries including New Zealand , Canada , United Kingdom , Ireland & South Africa . It’s free of charge but does offer premium services at a fee should users choose them – these extra benefits help give members even better chances at making connections quickly while having fun along their journey into discovering true love !

If you’re interested in trying out Oasis Active then registering couldn’t be easier: simply download their mobile application from either Google Play Store (for Android devices) or App Store (for iOS devices). Once installed enter some basic information about yourself such as name/age/location etc…and voila! You’ll be ready start exploring what awaits within minutes without any hassle whatsoever !

How Does OasisActive Work?

OasisActive is a mobile app that connects users with potential partners and friends. It provides an easy-to-use platform for singles to meet, flirt, chat and even date in their local area or beyond. The app has been designed to make it simple for users of all ages to find someone who matches their interests. With its advanced search filters, you can easily narrow down your choices based on age range, gender preference or location. You can also browse through profiles from other countries around the world if you are looking for something more exotic!

Once you have found a profile that catches your eye on OasisActive’s extensive database of members – which currently stands at over 10 million people across five different countries – simply click ‘Like’ and wait until they reciprocate before initiating contact via private messaging system within the app itself .The types of user vary greatly; there are those seeking long term relationships as well as casual dating opportunities while others may be just looking for friendship or new experiences abroad – whatever type of connection desired by each individual member will be catered towards thanks to this intuitive service provider’s wide selection criteria available during sign up process when creating one’s own personalised profile page too!

In addition to finding suitable partners online using Oasis Active’s powerful matchmaking algorithm ,users can attend events organised exclusively by the company such as speed dating nights where like minded individuals come together under one roof in order get know each other better face-to-face instead – thus providing another avenue altogether whereby genuine connections between two consenting adults could potentially take place regardless whether these encounters turn out romantic ones afterwards not !

Furthermore ,the safety aspect cannot be overlooked either since every single person joining must first verify his/her identity via valid email address provided prior gaining access onto site ;thereby ensuring no fake accounts exist throughout entire network hence giving peace mind both men women alike knowing any messages received indeed coming real persons rather than automated bots spamming inboxes indiscriminately day night time !

Finally yet importantly ,app does include language translation feature so anyone wanting communicate non native speakers still able do without worrying about misunderstandings occurring due lack fluency foreign tongue matter fact translations done instantaneously right inside same window message being sent making sure conversations remain smooth flowy pleasant overall experience all parties involved end !

  • 1.Free and easy to use messaging system
  • 2. Ability to search for compatible matches based on personal interests, location, age range and more
  • 3. Live chat rooms with audio/video capabilities
  • 4. Advanced privacy settings allowing users to control who can view their profile or contact them
  • 5. Photo albums feature that allows members to share images of themselves with other members
  • 6. Detailed member profiles including hobbies, lifestyle preferences and relationship status

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the OasisActive app is a straightforward process. To begin, users must download and install the app from either Google Play or Apple App Store. After opening it for the first time, they will be prompted to enter their email address and create a password in order to set up an account. Once that’s done, users can fill out some basic information about themselves such as gender identity, age range of potential matches they are interested in connecting with (18+), location preference (optional) etc., which helps them find better matches when using search filters within the platform later on. Lastly, after submitting all these details upon registration completion; new members have access to view other profiles online right away but need verification before being able to send messages or interact further with others via chat rooms/forums available inside this dating site/app – making sure only genuine people join its community while keeping scammers at bay too! It’s free of charge for anyone aged 18 years old and above who wishes to register an account here so there won’t be any hidden costs involved during signup procedure itself.

  • 1.User must provide a valid email address.
  • 2. User must create a username and password for their account.
  • 3. User must be at least 18 years of age to register an account on OasisActive, or have parental consent if under the age of 18 in order to use the service provided by OasisActive
  • 4. Users should agree with terms & conditions as well as privacy policy before registering an account on Oasis Active website/applications
  • 5 .User is required to fill out personal information such as name, gender, date of birth etc during registration process
  • 6 .Users are encouraged but not obligated to upload profile picture upon signing up 7 .The user will need access either through web browser or mobile device application (iOS/Android) in order to sign up for an account 8 .Verification code may be sent via SMS message or email depending on users’ preference when creating new accounts

Design and Usability of OasisActive

The OasisActive app has a bright and cheerful design, with vibrant colors that are easy on the eyes. The layout is simple and intuitive, making it easy to find what you’re looking for. Profiles of other users can be easily found by using the search bar or scrolling through your suggested matches list. Usability wise, navigating around the app is straightforward; most features can be accessed within two taps from any page in the application. Purchasing a paid subscription unlocks additional UI improvements such as customizing your profile background image or creating private chat rooms with friends only access enabled.

User Profile Quality

User profile quality on OasisActive is quite good. All profiles are public, so anyone can view them and get an idea of who the user is before deciding to connect with them. Users have the option to set a custom bio which allows for more detailed information about themselves than just their interests or hobbies. There isn’t a “friends” feature but there are ways that users can interact with each other such as messaging and chat rooms where they can meet people from all over the world.

Privacy settings available to users include setting up your own private account if you don’t want everyone seeing what you post, blocking certain members from viewing your profile, changing visibility settings in order for only approved contacts being able to see it etc.. Additionally, there’s also Google or Facebook sign-in features allowing even easier access into one’s personal page without having another username/password combination memorized by heart! Fake accounts do exist unfortunately however they’re usually quickly identified by moderators due diligence efforts towards keeping this platform safe & secure at all times – something we highly appreciate!

Location info within ones’ profile does not reveal any specific city names nor exact address location; instead it will indicate distance between two potential matches (e.g: 1 km away). It should be noted though that those using premium subscription benefit greatly since they gain access into full list of locations along with corresponding contact details – thus making searching much faster & efficient process overall compared against free membership options available out there these days…


OasisActive is a free online dating website and app that offers users the ability to connect with other singles in their area. The site has been around since 2008, providing an easy-to-use platform for those looking for companionship or romance. OasisActive’s main advantages include its simple user interface, large member base, diverse range of features such as chat rooms and video messaging capabilities, plus it’s completely free to use! One disadvantage however is that there are no background checks on members so you may encounter some fake profiles or scammers when using the service.

The difference between OasisActive’s website and mobile app lies mainly in convenience; while both offer access to all of the same features (including searching by location), the mobile version allows users more freedom due to its portability – they can search from anywhere at any time without having to be tied down by a computer screen! This makes finding potential matches much easier than if one were limited only by desktop usage. At this time however there is no dedicated web version available – though given how popular smartphone technology has become over recent years this isn’t too surprising either way.

Safety & Security

OasisActive is a secure and reliable platform for users to meet, chat, and date. It takes security seriously by implementing various measures to protect its user’s data from malicious actors. To ensure that only real people are using the app, OasisActive has implemented an email verification process where each new account must be verified before it can access any of the features on the app. Additionally, all photos uploaded onto OasisActive undergo manual review in order to prevent bots or fake accounts from being created with inappropriate images or content which may compromise other user’s safety. Furthermore two-factor authentication is available as an extra layer of protection against unauthorized access attempts into your account information such as passwords and personal details stored within their system databases. In terms of privacy policy; Oasis Active respects individual privacy rights so they do not share any personally identifiable information without prior consent unless required by law enforcement agencies in accordance with applicable laws governing online activities like collecting IP addresses etc.. They also use encryption technology when transferring sensitive data between servers so that no third party can intercept this communication making sure users’ private conversations remain confidential at all times

Pricing and Benefits

OasisActive: Is a Paid Subscription Worth It?

OasisActive is an online dating app that allows users to connect with potential partners. The app offers both free and paid subscription options, so it’s important for users to consider which one best suits their needs.

The basic version of the app is completely free and includes features such as creating a profile, searching for matches, messaging other members, sending virtual gifts and more. However, if you want access to additional features like unlimited messages or advanced search filters then you’ll need to upgrade your account by purchasing a premium membership plan. Premium plans come in three different tiers – Basic ($19/month), Plus ($29/month) and VIP ($39/ month).

Benefits of Purchasing A Premium Plan

  • Access all the extra features on Oasis Active including advanced search filters & unlimited messages * View who has liked your profile before anyone else does * Get priority customer service support from dedicated staff members * Enjoy exclusive discounts on special events hosted by Oasis Active

These prices are quite competitive when compared with similar services offered by competitors but they may still be too expensive for some people’s budgets. If this applies to you then there’s no need worry; simply cancel your subscription at any time without incurring any penalties or fees (as long as it hasn’t been used). Refund requests can also be made within 14 days after purchase provided certain conditions have been met e.g., not having accessed certain parts of the website yet etc.. All refunds will take up 5-7 business days depending on how quickly banks process them once approved .                                    
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Help & Support

OasisActive is an online dating and social networking platform that offers a range of support options for its users. The first way to access help on OasisActive is through the ‘Help’ page located at the bottom of every page. This provides answers to commonly asked questions, as well as instructions on how to use various features such as setting up your profile or sending messages. The Help page also contains contact information should you need further assistance from customer service representatives.

If you require more in-depth assistance, there are two ways you can get in touch with OasisActive’s customer service team: by email or phone call. You can find their contact details listed under ‘Contact Us’ at the bottom of each web page; alternatively, they provide a dedicated telephone number which operates Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time). Generally speaking response times vary depending upon query complexity but customers typically receive feedback within 24 hours when contacting via email and almost immediately when calling directly over the phone line during business hours .

Finally, if none of these methods suit your needs then it may be worth considering joining one of their official discussion forums where other members will be able to offer advice based on personal experience using Oasis Active services and products.. Here users have direct access to experienced moderators who monitor all conversations ensuring that any queries raised are addressed promptly without delay


1. Is OasisActive safe?

Yes, OasisActive is a safe platform for users to interact with one another. The website takes the safety of its members seriously and has put in place several measures to ensure that all interactions are conducted safely. All user profiles must be verified before they can access any features on the site, which helps prevent fake accounts from being created. Additionally, there are detailed privacy settings available so users can control who sees their profile information and what content they share publicly or privately. Finally, OasisActive also provides an extensive list of tips for staying safe online as well as advice about how to recognize potential scams or other malicious activity when using the service.

2. Is OasisActive a real dating site with real users?

Yes, OasisActive is a real dating site with real users. It has been around since 2008 and it offers its services to people in Australia, the United States, Canada and parts of Europe. The website boasts over 11 million members worldwide who are looking for friendship or romance online. OasisActive also provides many features that make finding potential matches easier such as advanced search filters which allow you to narrow down your results by age range, location etc., compatibility tests so you can find out how compatible someone is with yourself before messaging them and even an instant messenger service so you can chat directly with other singles on the site without having to wait for a response from emails sent through the regular mail system. With all these features combined together it makes OasisActive one of the most popular free dating sites available today!

3. How to use OasisActive app?

Using the OasisActive app is a great way to connect with people from all over the world. The app allows you to create an account, which will include your basic information such as age and location. Once this has been completed, you can start searching for other users in your area or around the globe who share similar interests. You can also join chat rooms where conversations are ongoing about topics of interest and even send private messages directly to someone else’s inbox if desired. Additionally, there are many features available on OasisActive that allow users to customize their profiles including uploading photos and creating lists of favorite activities or hobbies they enjoy doing together with friends or family members. With these options at hand it makes it easy for anyone looking for companionship online whether its just casual conversation or something more serious like dating potential partners!

4. Is OasisActive free?

Yes, OasisActive is a free online dating site. It offers all the features of other popular sites like eHarmony and Match without any cost to its users. This means that you can create an account, search for potential matches, send messages and even chat with people in real time without spending a penny! The only thing that costs money on this platform are premium services such as additional profile visibility or access to advanced matching algorithms. However, these features are completely optional so it’s up to each user if they want them or not.

5. Is OasisActive working and can you find someone there?

Yes, OasisActive is working and it can be used to find someone. The website provides a range of features that make finding potential matches easy. Users are able to search for people based on their location, age, interests and more using the site’s advanced filters. They can also send messages directly through the platform or use its chatroom feature if they want to get in touch with other users quickly. Additionally, there are plenty of success stories from couples who have met each other through OasisActive so it definitely has potential as an online dating resource!


In conclusion, OasisActive is a great dating app that offers users the opportunity to find partners for relationships. Its design and usability are easy to use and navigate, providing an enjoyable experience for its users. Safety and security features are also in place so you can be sure your information is secure while using the platform. The help & support team provide quick responses when needed which adds further value to this app’s offering as well as ensuring user satisfaction with their service quality. Lastly, user profile quality on OasisActive is excellent – profiles contain detailed descriptions of people looking for potential matches allowing you make informed decisions about who you want contact or meet up with offline if desired! All-in-all it seems like OasisActive has done a good job at creating an effective online dating platform that meets all needs of its members – making it one of the top choices out there today!

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Author Evelyn King

Evelyn King is a passionate writer who specializes in exploring the many facets of love, sex, and dating. She is a firm believer in the power of self-love and believes that it is the key to finding true love and contentment. Evelyn brings an honest and creative approach to her writing style, which has helped her to become an acclaimed writer in her field. She is a frequent contributor to various online publications, and her articles have been featured in numerous magazines and websites. With her unique perspective and thoughtful insights, Evelyn hopes to help others find the love and companionship they are looking for.