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CheekyLovers 2023 Review


CheekyLovers is an online dating platform that connects singles from all over the world. The app was launched in 2012 and since then, it has become one of the most popular apps for finding love. It currently boasts more than 1 million active users who are looking to find their perfect match on this unique platform.

The main target audience of CheekyLovers consists mainly of young adults between 18-35 years old who want to explore new relationships with people around them or even further away without having to leave home. This innovative app offers a variety of features such as instant messaging, photo sharing, profile browsing and much more which makes it easy for its users to meet potential partners they can connect with emotionally and physically too!

CheekyLovers is owned by Together Networks Limited which operates out five countries: United Kingdom (UK), Germany (DE), France (FR) Spain(ES) & Italy(IT). These countries have seen tremendous growth in terms user base due the popularity among younger generations seeking meaningful connections through digital platforms like CheekyLovers.. As per reports from 2020 , there were approximately 5 million registered members across these regions making it one of Europe’s leading casual dating sites .

The best part about using this amazing service? It’s free! You don’t need any credit card information or subscription fees; just sign up via your email address and you’re ready go! Additionally if you prefer accessing services through mobile devices rather than web browsers – no problem ! A dedicated application version compatible with both Android & iOS systems exists so feel free downloading those versions off respective stores today !

So what are you waiting for ? Signing up at Cheelylovers couldn’t be easier ; simply enter some basic details including age , gender preference alongwith valid email address followed by verification process completion upon clicking activation link sent directly into inbox within few minutes after registration step gets completed successfully . And voila – welcome aboard fellow seeker !

How Does CheekyLovers Work?

CheekyLovers is a dating app that connects users from all over the world. It provides an easy and efficient way to meet new people, build relationships, and find love. The app has many features designed to make it easier for its users to connect with each other including profile matching algorithms, chat rooms, photo galleries as well as video messaging capabilities.

The CheekyLovers platform allows you to search through thousands of profiles in order to find someone who meets your criteria or interests you the most. You can also browse by location so if you’re looking for someone close by then this feature will be useful too! Additionally there are different types of user on the site such as casual daters or those seeking something more serious like marriage material – whatever type of relationship you’re after CheekyLovers should have what you need!

As far as demographics go; according statistics released last year there were approximately 4 million active members using CheekyLover across 5 countries: USA (2 million), UK (1 million), Canada (500k) Australia(200k) & India(100K). This means no matter where in the world one may reside they still have access potential matches via this platform which makes finding compatible partners even easier than ever before!

In addition signing up is free and simple – just create a username/password combo plus provide some basic information about yourself suchas age gender etcetera – once done simply start browsing away until discovering suitable candidates!. Furthermore privacy settings allow individuals control how much personal data they share with others thus making sure everyone feels safe when using their service .

Finally being ableto message anyone without any restrictions adds another layer convenience allowing conversations between two parties happen faster smoother fashion compared traditional online platforms . All these factors combined make it clear why millions continue choose cheekyloveres their primary source connecting singles around globe !

  • 1.Advanced search filters to help you find the perfect match.
  • 2. Video chat feature for a more interactive and engaging experience.
  • 3. Verified profiles with real-time photo verification to ensure safety and security of users on the platform
  • 4. Icebreakers, winks, virtual gifts, stickers & emoticons that make conversations fun!
  • 5. In-app messaging system allowing users to connect quickly without leaving CheekyLovers app
  • 6 .Discreet mode option so your profile can be hidden from other members while still browsing potential matches

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the CheekyLovers app is a simple and straightforward process. First, users need to provide their gender, age (the minimum required age for registration is 18 years old), email address and password. Then they will be asked to create an account by providing basic information such as name, date of birth, location etc., which can be edited later if needed. After submitting all these details successfully users will receive a confirmation message that their profile has been created successfully and then they are ready to start exploring the world of online dating! The registration process is free so there’s no cost involved in creating an account with CheekyLovers. Once registered users can browse through other profiles or search for matches based on specific criteria like interests or hobbies; send messages; add people as friends; join chat rooms etc., thus making it easier than ever before to find someone special who shares similar values and beliefs!

  • 1.A valid email address
  • 2. An active mobile phone number
  • 3. Acceptance of the terms and conditions of use
  • 4. Creation of a unique username and password combination
  • 5. Age verification (18+)
  • 6. Option to upload an avatar or profile picture for personalization purposes
  • 7. Verification via SMS code sent to user’s registered mobile phone number 8 .Agreement that all information provided is accurate, current, and complete

Design and Usability of CheekyLovers

The CheekyLovers app has a bright and modern design, with bold colors that make it easy to navigate. The profiles of other users are easily found by using the search function or browsing through categories such as location and interests. Usability is good; all features are clearly laid out on the main page so you can quickly find what you’re looking for. With a paid subscription, there are some UI improvements including larger profile pictures and more detailed information about potential matches. Overall, this app provides an enjoyable user experience with its attractive visuals and intuitive navigation system

User Profile Quality

User profile quality on CheekyLovers is generally good. All profiles are public and can be viewed by any registered user of the site, so it’s important to make sure that your own profile looks attractive and interesting. You can set a custom bio which allows you to provide more information about yourself than just basic stats like age or gender. There isn’t a “friends” feature but there is an option for users to send messages directly if they want to get in touch with someone else on the platform.

Privacy settings available vary depending on whether you have signed up using Google or Facebook sign-in options, as these accounts offer extra layers of security compared with standard registration forms used by most dating sites such as CheekyLovers. Fake accounts do exist however, so it pays off being careful when interacting with other members online before meeting them in person offline! Location info provided usually reveals city only – no indication of exact address – although some users may choose not display this at all if they wish too due privacy concerns . Premium subscription does offer additional benefits including better visibility for your profile among others looking for potential matches , plus access exclusive content related topics relevant interests shared between two people interested each other .


CheekyLovers is a popular dating app that allows users to find and connect with potential matches. The app has been around for several years, and it provides an easy way for people to meet new partners in their area. With the CheekyLovers mobile application, users can search through profiles of other singles nearby, send messages or “winks” as well as view who else is online at any given time. One of the main advantages of using this service is its ability to provide detailed information about each user including photos, interests and preferences so you can get a better idea if they are compatible with you before deciding whether or not to take things further. Additionally, since all communication happens within the app itself there’s no need for exchanging contact details until both parties feel comfortable doing so which adds another layer of security compared to traditional dating sites where personal info must be shared right away in order exchange messages etc..

At present however CheekyLovers does not have an associated website although plans may exist down the line due various factors such as cost implications related developing one from scratch along with having enough resources available staff wise maintain it once launched . It also worth noting that many apps nowadays focus on being used exclusively via smartphones rather than having additional web based platforms , something which could be seen by developers behind cheekylover when making decision against creating site version .

Safety & Security

CheekyLovers is committed to providing its users with a secure and safe online dating experience. The app has implemented several security measures to protect user data, prevent malicious activity, and fight against bots and fake accounts. All new members are required to go through an identity verification process before they can access the platform’s features. This includes submitting their email address or phone number for authentication purposes as well as uploading photos of themselves that will be manually reviewed by CheekyLovers staff in order to ensure authenticity of each profile created on the site. Additionally, two-factor authentication (2FA) is available for added protection when logging into your account from different devices or locations outside your home network.

In terms of privacy policy compliance, CheekyLovers takes all necessary steps according to GDPR regulations which include collecting only essential information about users such as name/age/location etc., notifying them about any changes made in regards with how their personal data may be used or shared; securely storing collected information; allowing users control over what type of communication they receive from other members; deleting user profiles upon request if needed; protecting minors under 18 years old who cannot legally use the service without parental consent etc..

Pricing and Benefits

Is a Paid Subscription Necessary on CheekyLovers?

CheekyLovers is an online dating app that connects users with potential partners. The basic version of the app is free to use, but there are additional features available through a paid subscription. These include access to advanced search filters and messaging options, as well as other exclusive content such as special offers and discounts. So do users really need a paid subscription on CheekyLovers?

Benefits of Getting A Paid Subscription

  • Access to advanced search filters $9/month

  • Messaging options $12/month

  • Special offers & discounts $15/ month

  • Exclusive content Free
    The prices for these subscriptions are quite competitive compared to similar services offered by competitors in the market, so it may be worth considering if you want more out of your experience using CheekyLovers.

Cancellation Process & Refunds If you decide at any point that you no longer wish to continue your membership with Cheeky Lovers then cancelling can be done easily via their website or mobile application interface within minutes – just follow the instructions provided when signing up for your account initially. As far refunds go they offer full refunds within 14 days after purchase if requested during this period (terms apply). After this time frame however all payments made become non-refundable unless otherwise stated in writing from them directly before making payment . ## Conclusion All things considered it seems like getting a paid subscription might not necessarily be necessary depending on what type of user experience one wants from using the service – some people may find enough value without having one while others will likely benefit greatly from upgrading their accounts accordingly!

Help & Support

CheekyLovers offers a variety of ways to access support. The first way is through their website, which has an extensive FAQ page that covers many common questions and issues users may have. The site also provides contact information for the customer service team, including email addresses and phone numbers. Users can expect prompt responses from the customer service team; they typically respond within 24 hours or less during business days.

In addition to contacting CheekyLovers directly, there are several other avenues available for accessing help with any issue related to using the platform: social media channels such as Twitter and Facebook; third-party review sites like Trustpilot where customers can leave feedback about their experiences on CheekyLovers; forums dedicated specifically to discussing topics related to online dating services in general; blogs written by experienced members who share tips on how best use certain features of Cheekylover’s platform effectively – all these resources provide valuable insight into getting more out of your experience while using this popular dating app/site .

Finally, if you need urgent assistance or want quick answers without having go through long conversations with Customer Support agents then you should consider downloading one of our mobile apps (iOS & Android) – it includes a built-in chatbot that’s designed specifically for helping users quickly find solutions when they run into technical difficulties or just need some advice regarding usage guidelines etc.. Plus its always accessible so no matter what time it is someone will be able answer your query right away!


1. Is CheekyLovers safe?

CheekyLovers is a safe and secure online dating site. They use the latest encryption technology to ensure that all of your personal information remains private, so you can feel confident when using their services. All profiles are manually reviewed by staff members before being approved for membership, which helps keep out any potential scammers or fake accounts. Additionally, CheekyLovers offers an extensive list of safety tips on their website to help users stay safe while engaging in online conversations with other singles they meet through the service.

2. Is CheekyLovers a real dating site with real users?

Yes, CheekyLovers is a real dating site with real users. The website has been around since 2008 and it currently boasts over one million members from all over the world. It’s designed to help people find love, romance or just some fun companionship in their local area. On the website you can create an account for free and start browsing through other user profiles right away without having to pay anything upfront. You can also use various search filters such as age range, location or interests so that you only see matches that meet your criteria. Additionally, there are plenty of features available on the platform which allow users to communicate with each other including instant messaging chat rooms and private messages where they can exchange photos too if desired!

3. How to use CheekyLovers app?

Using the CheekyLovers app is easy and straightforward. First, you will need to download it from your device’s App Store or Google Play store. Once downloaded, open the app and create an account by providing some basic information such as your name, age range, gender preference etc. After that you can start searching for other users who have similar interests as yours in order to find potential matches. You can also filter through different categories like location-based searches so that you are only presented with people who live near you or within a certain distance of where you currently reside.

Once matched with someone else on CheekyLovers then communication between both parties begins! Through messages sent via chat rooms or direct messaging services provided by the app itself; conversations begin which could lead to further interactions if all goes well! As long as both parties agree upon meeting up in person then dates may be arranged at any time convenient for everyone involved – but remember always take precautions when doing this especially if it’s your first date together!

4. Is CheekyLovers free?

CheekyLovers is not a free service. While it does offer some basic features for free, such as creating an account and browsing profiles, the majority of its services require payment in order to access them. This includes messaging other users, viewing full-sized photos and videos, sending virtual gifts and more. The site also offers various subscription plans that provide additional benefits at discounted rates compared to paying on a per-use basis.

5. Is CheekyLovers working and can you find someone there?

Yes, CheekyLovers is working and it can be a great way to find someone. The website offers users the chance to create detailed profiles with photos so that they can get an idea of who they are looking for in a potential partner. Users also have access to chat rooms where they can connect with other singles from around the world and start conversations that could lead to something more serious. Additionally, there are various search filters available on the site which make it easier for people to narrow down their options when searching for someone special. With all these features combined, CheekyLovers provides its members with plenty of opportunities when trying out online dating – making it easy enough even if you’re new at this kind of thing!


In conclusion, CheekyLovers is a great app for finding partners for dating. It has an easy-to-use design and good usability that makes it simple to use the app with minimal effort. The safety and security of users are taken seriously by the company as they have implemented various measures to protect their data from malicious actors. Additionally, help and support are available through email or phone if needed which adds another layer of comfort when using this service. Finally, user profiles quality on CheekyLovers seems generally high due to its detailed profile requirements during registration process – all in all making it one of the best apps out there for those looking for someone special!

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Author Benjamin Adams

Benjamin Adams is an experienced dating expert who has been helping people find love for over 10 years. He is a contributing writer for various dating websites and apps, writing reviews and providing insight on the latest trends in the dating world. He is also an advocate for online safety, providing helpful tips and advice to keep people safe while dating online. Benjamin has a passion for helping people find the right match and making sure they have the best possible experience. He is dedicated to helping others find love, and his reviews and advice reflect this.