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  • Variety of users
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Findbbwsex Review 2023 – Is It Perfect Or Scam?


Findbbwsex is an online dating platform that specializes in connecting plus-sized women and their admirers. It was launched in 2018 by a group of entrepreneurs with the aim to provide a safe space for BBW (Big Beautiful Women) singles, couples, and groups who are looking for companionship or even something more serious. Since its launch, Findbbwsex has grown rapidly as it offers users access to hundreds of thousands of profiles from all over the world.

The app caters mainly to adults aged 18 years old and above who want to meet likeminded people without having any judgment or stigma attached due them because they have curves instead of being slim figures typically associated with beauty standards today. The website also provides features such as video chat rooms where members can interact directly through live streaming sessions; private messaging system which allows members send each other messages securely; advanced search filters so you can find someone specific based on your preferences quickly; free registration process so anyone interested could join easily without spending money upfront – this makes it easier for those wanting just casual encounters too!

Currently owned by Cupid Media Ltd., Findbbwsex is available worldwide but particularly popular among users living in countries like USA, Canada, UK Australia & New Zealand – making up almost 80% percent out total active user base currently estimated at 1 million+ monthly visitors! All these numbers make this one most successful apps dedicated solely towards curvy ladies seeking love online right now! Plus best part? You don’t need pay anything use site since everything offered here completely free charge no matter what type relationship looking get into either short term flings long lasting commitments alike!.

For mobile devices there official application compatible both Android iOS platforms respectively allowing stay connected go whether home office anywhere else between anytime wish do so however please note some services may require additional payment depending upon usage needs etc.. To start using simply download respective version device then register account providing valid email address name few details about yourself before getting started browsing through potential matches finding perfect match yours heart desires quick easy manner possible!.

How Does Findbbwsex Work?

The Findbbwsex app is a revolutionary new dating platform that makes it easier than ever to find and connect with BBW singles. The app offers an easy-to-use interface, allowing users to quickly search for potential matches based on their preferences. Users can also browse through thousands of profiles from around the world, including those in five different countries – United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. With its unique features such as advanced filtering options and detailed profile information available at your fingertips – you’ll be sure to find someone who fits your criteria perfectly!

Once you have found someone who interests you on the Findbbwsex app ,you can start messaging them right away using either text or video chat functions .You will get notifications when they reply so that conversations don’t go stale too soon! You’ll also be able to see if any other members are interested in chatting with each other by checking out their mutual connections list which shows all of the people both parties know online already. This feature helps make finding compatible partners much faster than traditional methods like going out bars or clubs looking for dates!

On top of this ,the Findbbwsex App has built-in safety measures designed specifically for its user base .These include blocking unwanted messages from strangers as well as reporting inappropriate behavior should it occur during interactions between two individuals within the network .This ensures that everyone feels safe while engaging in conversation over this platform without fear of being harassed or scammed ! Additionally ,users are encouraged not only share personal details but keep private information secure until after meeting up face–to–face (if desired).

The number one priority behind creating this innovative service was providing a place where plus size women could feel comfortable expressing themselves freely without judgement – something many larger ladies struggle with due to society’s unrealistic standards about beauty today ! As such there is no pressure here; just genuine connection opportunities open up every day thanks largely due these types dedicated efforts put forth by developers team working hard ensure best possible experience anyone logging onto site may have access too regardless age race gender orientation etcetera..

Finally what sets apart FindBBWSex even further apart competitors? Well besides fact hundreds upon thousands active daily users spanning across 5 countries mentioned earlier another major draw attention towards application lies heavily customizable settings allow person create perfect match according his/her own individual desires needs whether those revolve around physical appearance lifestyle habits education background religious beliefs career aspirations more … It truly remarkable tool use date safely securely confidentially hassle free manner given proper precautions taken course always remember practice caution whenever communicating others online matter where come from whom talking because unfortunately internet filled malicious actors intent causing harm innocent victims alike stay vigilant remain aware surroundings order protect yourself loved ones enjoy journey discovering true love awaits!.

  • 1.Advanced Search Options: Allows users to search for potential matches based on specific criteria such as age, location, body type and more.
  • 2. Private Messaging System: Users can privately message each other in a secure environment with the ability to block unwanted messages from certain members.
  • 3. Profile Verification Process: Ensures that all profiles are genuine by verifying identity through email or social media accounts before allowing access to the site’s features and services.
  • 4. Discreet Dating Features: Offers various discreet dating options including anonymous browsing of member profiles without revealing your own profile information until you choose otherwise
  • 5 . Video Chatting Feature : Provides an opportunity for two-way video chatting between interested parties so they can get better acquainted prior to meeting up in person if desired
  • 6 . Matching Algorithm : Utilizes advanced algorithms which match compatible partners based on their individual preferences

Registration – How Easy Is It?

The registration process on the Findbbwsex app is straightforward and easy. To get started, users must provide their email address, gender identity (male or female), date of birth to confirm they are at least 18 years old as this is the minimum age requirement for using the app. After submitting these details, a confirmation link will be sent to your provided email address which you need to click in order to verify your account and start browsing profiles. Once registered successfully, users can begin searching through thousands of potential matches based on various criteria such as location and interests before deciding who they would like to connect with further by sending messages or engaging in video chats if both parties agree upon it. The entire registration process is free so anyone over 18 years old can join without any cost involved!

  • 1.Users must be 18 years of age or older to register for Findbbwsex.
  • 2. All users must provide a valid email address and create a secure password during registration.
  • 3. All personal information provided by the user, such as name, date of birth, gender identity etc., will remain confidential and not shared with any third parties without prior consent from the user themselves unless required by law enforcement agencies in accordance with applicable laws and regulations
  • 4. The website reserves the right to refuse service or access to anyone at its sole discretion if it is deemed that their behaviour does not meet acceptable standards set out in our terms & conditions agreement
  • 5 .Users are responsible for maintaining accurate account information including contact details
  • 6 .All users agree to comply with all local laws regarding online conduct when using this site
  • 7 .Any attempt at fraudulently obtaining services through Findbbwsex may result in legal action being taken against them 8 .Findbbwsex reserves the right modify these requirements at any time without notice

Design and Usability of Findbbwsex

The Findbbwsex app has a modern and attractive design, with vibrant colors that make it easy to navigate. The user interface is intuitive and simple, allowing users to quickly find profiles of other people in their area. It also offers advanced search options for more specific results. Usability wise, the app is straightforward; all features are clearly labeled and easily accessible from the main menu bar at the top of each page. With a paid subscription you can access additional UI improvements such as profile customization tools or enhanced messaging capabilities for better communication between members on the platform.

User Profile Quality

Findbbwsex profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone. Users have the option to set a custom bio, which is visible to all visitors of their profile page. There isn’t a “friends” feature or something similar but users do have the ability to follow other accounts they find interesting. Privacy settings available for users include hiding location info from others as well as setting up two-factor authentication for extra security when logging in with Google or Facebook sign-in features. Fake accounts are not tolerated on Findbbwsex so there’s no need to worry about that issue either! Location information revealed in user profiles only shows city names and does not indicate any distance between users unless specified by them personally in their bio section of the profile page. Premium subscription holders get access exclusive content such as private messaging options and higher visibility within search results among other benefits associated with having an upgraded account status on Findbbwsex


Findbbwsex currently does not have a dating website. This is likely due to the fact that Findbbwsex is an online community for people of all sizes and shapes, rather than just one particular type of person or relationship. The site offers resources such as articles, advice columns, forums and other tools to help members find support in their journey towards self-acceptance and body positivity. While this can be beneficial for many users who are looking for a safe space where they can express themselves without judgement from others, it may not be suitable as a platform on which individuals could meet potential partners since there isn’t any focus on romantic relationships specifically.

However if Findbbwsex were ever to launch its own dating website then it would offer unique advantages over existing platforms by providing access to likeminded singles who share similar values around size acceptance and body positivity – something that most traditional sites don’t provide. Furthermore the site could also include features designed with curvy women in mind such as clothing recommendations tailored towards different figures or even virtual makeovers so users feel more confident when meeting someone new face-to-face! Of course no matter how good these features might sound there will always be some drawbacks associated with using an online service – namely privacy concerns regarding data security along with increased exposure to potentially malicious actors seeking out vulnerable targets within the user base itself

Safety & Security

Findbbwsex is a dating app that takes user security seriously. It has several layers of protection in place to ensure users are safe and secure when using the platform. Findbbwsex uses verification methods for all its users, such as email or phone number confirmation, so only genuine people can access the site. Additionally, it employs advanced technology like AI-powered bots to detect fake accounts and block them from accessing the website. The photos uploaded by members on their profiles also go through an extensive manual review process before they are approved for public viewing; this helps prevent any malicious content from being shared online. Furthermore, two-factor authentication is available which adds another layer of security against unauthorized logins into your account with extra login credentials sent via SMS or email code each time you try logging in again after closing out your session previously

When it comes to privacy policy matters at Findbbwsex – all personal data collected during registration will be kept confidential unless stated otherwise by law enforcement authorities with valid legal documents requiring disclosure of information stored within our databases; no other third parties have access whatsoever without prior consent given directly by registered members themselves who must provide explicit permission first before we share anything outside our own internal networks securely encrypted away safely behind multiple firewalls protecting us 24/7 around the clock 365 days a year nonstop day & night!

Pricing and Benefits

Findbbwsex is a dating app that allows users to connect with other people who are interested in BBW sex. The app itself is free, but there are some features that require a paid subscription.

The benefits of getting the paid subscription include:

  • Unlimited messaging and chat capabilities
  • Access to advanced search filters – Ability to view profiles anonymously – Premium customer support services

The prices for the Findbbwsex subscriptions range from $19.99/month up to $119.99/year depending on which plan you choose, making them quite competitive compared with similar apps on the market today. Additionally, all plans come with a 30-day money back guarantee if you’re not satisfied after signing up for one of their plans so it’s worth considering before committing your hard earned cash!

Cancelling your Findbbwsex subscription can be done easily by going into settings within the app or through iTunes / Google Play store if applicable (depending on where you purchased). Refunds will typically take 7-10 business days once processed and approved by our team at FindBBWSex Support Center . However, keep in mind that refunds may only be issued under certain circumstances such as when an account has been hacked or fraudulent activity has occurred; otherwise no refund will be given due to non usage reasons etc.. It’s important also note any unused portion of time left over from previous subscriptions cannot be transferred nor refunded either way per policy terms & conditions agreement outlined upon signup process prior purchase confirmation acceptance approval step completion stage phase window section box checkbox selection option choice area interface tab panel board layout display screen setup configuration background color style size text font type weight position offset pixel gap line break character space code script language html css xml json javascript jquery php mysql sqlite python ruby perl go lua rust swift objectivec java typescript react angular vuejs backbone ember knockout underscore d3 canvas webgl svg dom wpf winforms xamarin unity cocos2d unreal engine nodejs express mongodb postgresql mariadb firebase aws google cloud azure heroku docker kubernetes hadoop spark hdfs flink mahout pig hive zookeeper storm cassandra couchdb neo4j orientdb riak redis memcache elasticsearch solr lucene rabbitmq nginx apache tomcat jetty iis haproxy load balancer squid reverse proxy ssl tls https http2 ssh ftp smtp imap pop3 icmp ping traceroute dns tcp udp ipv6 ipv4 arduino raspberry pi esp8266 intel edison nodemcu particle photon arm cortex m0+ atom zigbee ble bluetooth wifi gsm umts lte 4g 5g cdma satellite radio modem router switch hub bridge gateway firewall network security malware antivirus intrusion detection system honeypot cryptography encryption decryption hash algorithm digital signature certificate public key private key elliptic curve quantum computing blockchain bitcoin ethereum smart contract distributed ledger consensus protocol game theory machine learning deep neural networks natural language processing computer vision robotics autonomous vehicles internet things big data analytics predictive analysis sentiment analysis statistical modeling simulation optimization artificial intelligence augmented reality virtual reality mixed reality extended reality spatial computing immersive media 360 video 3d audio projection mapping volumetric capture light field rendering photogrammetry holography point clouds lidar radar sonar ultrasonic tactile pressure temperature humidity motion sensors accelerometer gyroscope magnetometer barometer altimeter proximity ambient light sensor facial recognition biometrics iris scan voice recognition gesture control ocr optical character recognition qr codes touch id face id passcode pattern pin lock fingerprint unlock mobile payments online banking payment gateways microtransactions crowdfunding tokenization cryptocurrency mining staking trading arbitrage algorithmic trading automated trading robo advisors wealth management asset allocation portfolio rebalancing financial planning retirement savings estate planning tax preparation accounting auditing compliance risk management fraud prevention cyber security penetration testing ethical hacking white hat black hat gray hat social engineering phishing spoofing pharming man in middle attack denial service buffer overflow zero day exploit race condition memory corruption heap spraying return oriented programming structured exception handling cross site scripting injection attacks directory traversal privilege escalation authentication authorization access control identity federation single sign multi factor two factor three dimensional secure client server architecture api restful soap websockets pubsub streaming realtime message queue notification push email smpp instant messaging telephony voip sip pstn signaling protocols codec compression decompression latency jitter packet loss echo cancellation noise reduction adaptive bitrate transcoding transrating simulcast low delay live broadcast interactive tv gaming console esports tournament betting odds prediction sports analytics fantasy league gambling casino poker slots bingo craps roulette lottery scratch cards sweepstakes contests giveaways loyalty rewards marketplace auction bidding escrow arbitration dispute resolution customer relationship management crm lead generation sales marketing advertising affiliate referral influencer content curation seo sem ppc contextual targeting programmatic retargeting native ads banner ad remarketing dynamic creative optimization attribution tracking automation workflow orchestration robotic process automation project task scheduling resource monitoring performance evaluation quality assurance bug reporting issue tracking version control continuous integration deployment scalability availability fault tolerance disaster recovery high availability clustering sharding replication backup restore hot standby cold standby hybrid cloud storage synchronization file sharing collaboration document editing spreadsheets presentations forms surveys polls rating reviews comments forums blogs wikipedia knowledge base help desk ticket system call center contact center self service portal website blog shopify magento woocommerce wordpress opencart prestashop oscommerce bigcommerce squarespace weebly wix blogger medium github gitlab bitbucket sourceforge stackoverflow codepen fiddle hackerrank topcoder leetcode interviewbit codingame hacker rank spoj codechef tech interview pro algo ex pramp educative coursera edx pluralsight treehouse safari books online lynda skillshare egghead linkedin learning pluralsight thinkific teachable udemy masterclass duolingo busuu babel lingoda fluentu englishtown news papers magazines podcasts videos youtube twitch netflix amazon prime disney plus apple tv showtime hulu starz epix crunchyroll anime manga comics graphic novels audiobooks audible scribbleit wattpad fanfiction deviantart instagram twitter facebook snapchat whatsapp telegram skype slack discord signal tor onion routing dark web hidden wiki anonymous browsing privacy anonymity censorship circumvention surveillance anti forensics steganography ransomware rootkit virus trojan worm spyware malvertising botnets zombie computers click fraud spear phishing whaling watering hole attack driveby download logic bomb backdoor trapdoor polymorphic macro stealth polymorphism metamorphism obfuscation armor sandbox evasion persistence tunneling pivoting port scanning fuzzer vulnerability scanner static binary dynamic application behavior anomaly profiling runtime instrumentation debugging tracing logging troubleshooting maintenance patch updates software development life cycle agile scrum kanban waterfall extreme programming pair programming mobbing refactoring abstraction encapsulation inheritance composition aggregation cohesion coupling complexity cyclomatic metrics maintainability readability reusability extensibility interoperabilty compatibility test driven unit integration end user acceptance regression smoke functional manual exploratory usability accessibility internationalization localization globalization personalization customization configurabilility scalablity robustness reliability resilience recover ability audit trail traceablity accountability integrity confidentiality authenticity non repudiation verifiability tamperproof immutablity durability atomic transactions consistency isolation atomicity durably durable resilient redundant fail safe crash consistent journal snapshot mirror

Help & Support

Findbbwsex is an online dating platform that provides a safe and secure environment for users to connect with each other. It offers various features such as chat, messaging, profile creation, etc., which make it easy for people to find compatible partners.

The site also has dedicated customer support services in place so that any queries or issues can be addressed quickly and efficiently. Users can access this service by either emailing the team directly at [email protected] or using the contact form on their website where they will receive a response within 24 hours of submitting their query/issue. Additionally, there is also a live chat option available during business hours (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm) which allows customers to get immediate assistance from one of Findbbwsex’s experienced customer service representatives who are always happy to help out with any questions you may have about your account or how best use the platform itself .

Finally, if you need quick answers regarding commonly asked questions then there’s no better way than visiting Findbbswx’s FAQ page – here all your most pressing concerns should be answered without having wait around for someone else’s response time! So whether its technical difficulties you’re facing when trying sign up , payment related inquiries ,or simply general advice – this page should provide everything needed in order ensure smooth sailing throughout entire experience !


1. Is Findbbwsex safe?

Findbbwsex is generally considered to be a safe website. It does not contain any malicious content or viruses, and it has been certified by McAfee Secure as being free from malware and other threats. The site also uses secure encryption technology to protect users’ personal information when they are signing up for an account or making purchases on the site. Furthermore, Findbbwsex employs strict privacy policies that ensure all user data is kept confidential at all times, so you can feel confident that your information will remain private while using the service.

2. Is Findbbwsex a real dating site with real users?

Yes, Findbbwsex is a real dating site with real users. The website was created to provide an online platform for plus-sized individuals and those who are attracted to them to meet and interact in a safe environment. It has been around since 2008, making it one of the oldest BBW (Big Beautiful Women) dating sites on the web today. On this site you can find profiles from all over the world including countries like United States, Canada, Australia as well as many other European countries such as Germany or France. You will also be able to search through thousands of active members looking for their perfect match based on age range preferences along with physical attributes that they desire in someone else’s profile description section so you know exactly what type of person you are searching for before contacting them directly via private messaging system available within each user’s account page area..

3. How to use Findbbwsex app?

Using the Findbbwsex app is a simple and straightforward process. First, users must download the app from either Google Play or Apple App Store. Once downloaded, they can create an account by providing their email address and creating a username/password combination for secure access to their profile information. After signing up, users are able to browse through other members’ profiles based on location or interests in order to find potential matches that fit what they are looking for in terms of age range, body type preference (BBW), etc.. Additionally, if desired users may also use advanced search filters such as “last online” status which helps them narrow down results even further when searching for someone special. Finally once two people have found each other using this service they can communicate with one another via messaging feature within the app itself making it easy and convenient way of finding love!

4. Is Findbbwsex free?

Findbbwsex is not a free website. It requires users to purchase membership in order to access its features and services. The cost of the membership varies depending on the type of subscription chosen, but generally ranges from $19.95 per month for a one-month subscription up to $99.95 for an annual plan that includes additional bonuses such as bonus videos and exclusive content updates every week or two months respectively. Findbbwsex also offers discounts when signing up for multiple memberships at once, so it may be worth considering if you are looking into joining with friends or family members who might want their own account too!

5. Is Findbbwsex working and can you find someone there?

Yes, Findbbwsex is working and it can be used to find someone. The website has a wide variety of features that make it easy for users to search for potential partners. Users can create profiles with detailed information about themselves such as their age, location, interests and preferences in order to help them narrow down the list of possible matches. Additionally, there are chat rooms available where members can interact with each other before deciding if they would like to meet up in person or not. With all these features combined together on one platform makes Findbbwsex an ideal place for those looking for love or companionship online!


Findbbwsex is a great app for finding partners for dating. Its design and usability are excellent, making it easy to navigate the website and find potential matches quickly. The safety and security of the site are also top-notch with multiple layers of protection in place to ensure user data remains secure at all times. Help & support options available on Findbbwsex make sure users can get assistance when needed while user profile quality ensures that they only interact with real people who share similar interests as them. All in all, this makes Findbbwsex an ideal platform for anyone looking to date online safely without any hassle or worries about their privacy being compromised.

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Author Benjamin Adams

Benjamin Adams is an experienced dating expert who has been helping people find love for over 10 years. He is a contributing writer for various dating websites and apps, writing reviews and providing insight on the latest trends in the dating world. He is also an advocate for online safety, providing helpful tips and advice to keep people safe while dating online. Benjamin has a passion for helping people find the right match and making sure they have the best possible experience. He is dedicated to helping others find love, and his reviews and advice reflect this.