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Kasidie – Is It Worth It?


Kasidie is an online platform that provides a safe and secure space for people to explore their sexuality. The app was launched in 2011 by its founder, Chris Stagliano, with the goal of providing an open-minded community where users can find like-minded individuals who share similar interests and desires. Kasidie caters to those looking for casual encounters as well as committed relationships or simply friendships within the lifestyle scene.

The target audience of this app are swingers, couples seeking other couples or singles interested in exploring alternative sexual lifestyles such as BDSM (Bondage/Discipline/Sadism & Masochism). It also welcomes members from all genders including heterosexuals, homosexuals and transgender individuals alike. With over two million active users worldwide it has become one of the largest social networks dedicated solely to connecting sexually adventurous adults together on one platform; making it easy for them to connect with each other both locally and internationally regardless if they’re just starting out or already experienced lifestylers themselves!

Currently owned by Durex USA Inc., Kasidie is most popular among residents living in five countries: United States , Canada , Australia , New Zealand & Germany . Users have access not only through their website but also via mobile devices using Android OS 4+ phones & tablets which makes accessing content easier than ever before no matter what device you own! Plus registration process takes less than 5 minutes so getting started couldn’t be simpler either – after signing up newbies will need approval from moderators before being able attend events hosted at local clubs near them though so make sure you read up on etiquette first!

As far as cost goes – yes there’s some fees involved depending upon how much features user wants access too however basic membership remains free forever while more advanced packages start around $20 per month allowing full unrestricted use across entire site plus discounts when attending parties held nearby too!. So why wait? Join today discover your wild side without fear judgemental eyes watching every move…

How Does Kasidie Work?

Kasidie is an app that connects like-minded people who are looking for a more open and sexually liberated lifestyle. It offers users the opportunity to explore their sexuality, meet new friends, find potential partners or even just have some fun. The app has a range of features designed to make it easy for users to connect with others in similar situations as them. Through its search function you can easily locate profiles based on age, location and interests; making sure you only see those who match your preferences.

The Kasidie user base consists of all kinds of individuals from different backgrounds – couples seeking another partner or single people exploring alternative lifestyles such as swinging or polyamory – so there’s something for everyone! With over 500 thousand members across five countries (United States, Canada, Australia , New Zealand & United Kingdom) this platform provides ample opportunities to discover someone special nearby! You also get access to exclusive events hosted by other Kasidians which gives members the chance mingle with each other offline too!

For added security when connecting online through the app itself there’s also verified accounts feature available where one can check if they’re interacting with real person behind profile before meeting up in person – thus giving peace mind while searching around on this platform . Furthermore ,users are able use messaging service within application send private messages between themselves without having reveal personal information at any point time . This helps maintain privacy confidentiality among community ensuring safe environment all times !

To further enhance experience while using apps’ services there ‘s ‘Group Chat’ option allows group conversations take place simultaneously allowing multiple parties communicate same topic conveniently . Thereby enabling easier collaboration discussion topics interest particular groups be formed quickly efficiently ! Last but not least , advanced filtering options allow customize results according individual needs helping narrow down list suitable matches suit requirements best possible way !!

  • 1.Live Chat: Connect with other members in real-time and start conversations.
  • 2. Member Blogs & Photos: Share your experiences, thoughts, stories and photos with the community.
  • 3. Events Calendar: Discover upcoming events near you or around the world to meet up with like-minded people in person.
  • 4. Private Messaging System: Send private messages securely between members without revealing personal information such as email addresses or phone numbers publicly on Kasidie’s platform .
  • 5. Verified Profiles & Reviews : Get verified profiles of fellow kasidians so that you can be sure who you are connecting with is genuine , plus read reviews from other users about their experience interacting them .
  • 6 Groups & Discussions : Join groups based on interests , lifestyle choices and location to connect more deeply within a smaller group setting for better conversation topics than just one -on -one chats

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the Kasidie app is a simple process. To begin, users must provide their gender and sexual orientation before creating an account with a valid email address. After entering basic information such as age, location and interests, they will be asked to upload photos of themselves for verification purposes. Once this step has been completed successfully, users can start browsing profiles of other members in order to find potential matches or friends that share similar interests. The minimum required age to join the dating platform is 18 years old; however it’s free for everyone regardless of their age or status (single/couple). After submitting all details during registration process one should receive an activation link via email which needs to be clicked in order to confirm your profile creation & access full features available on the website/app like messaging people you are interested in etc..

  • 1.User must be at least 18 years of age.
  • 2. Must provide a valid email address and phone number for verification purposes.
  • 3. Must create an account with username, password, and security question/answer combination to protect their profile information from unauthorized access or misuse by others on the site
  • 4. All users are required to agree to Kasidie’s Terms & Conditions before registering an account
  • 5 .Must upload a clear photo that meets the guidelines set forth in Kasidie’s Photo Guidelines section prior to activating their membership
  • 6 .Users must complete all fields in the registration form accurately and truthfully including gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status etc.. 7 .A user may only register one (1) account per person; multiple accounts created by any individual will result in immediate suspension of all related accounts without warning or notice 8 Users who wish upgrade their membership level must pay applicable fees as outlined on our Membership page

Design and Usability of Kasidie

The Kasidie app has a modern design with an emphasis on bold colors. The interface is easy to navigate and the main menu bar allows you to quickly find what you need. You can easily search for profiles of other people by using filters such as age, location, interests and more. Overall usability is great; all features are clearly labeled and accessible from anywhere in the app so it’s very user-friendly. With a paid subscription there are some UI improvements that make navigation even easier – like quick access buttons for messaging or profile editing options at the top of each page.

User Profile Quality

User profile quality on Kasidie is generally quite good. Profiles are public and can be viewed by all members, including those who do not have a premium subscription. Members can set their own custom bio which helps to give other users an idea of what they’re looking for in the site. There is also a “friends” feature that allows you to connect with people you know or would like to get acquainted with better.

Privacy settings available on Kasidie include the ability to hide your location info if desired, as well as sign-in options via Google or Facebook accounts for added security measures against fake accounts and spamming activities from outside sources. Location information reveals city names but does not indicate any distance between users; this makes it easier for individuals interested in meeting up locally without having exact coordinates revealed publicly online.

Premium subscriptions offer additional benefits such as increased visibility within search results due to more detailed profiles being featured higher than others without them; however, even basic user profiles provide plenty of useful information about each member’s interests and preferences when seeking out potential partners or friends alike!


Kasidie is an online dating website that provides a platform for like-minded adults to meet and explore their sexuality. The site offers users the ability to create profiles, browse through other members’ profiles, and engage in virtual chats with potential partners. Kasidie also has several features such as private photo albums, groups forums where people can discuss topics of interest related to sex or relationships, and even live video chat rooms. One of the main advantages of using Kasidie is its privacy settings which allow users to control who sees what they post on their profile page. Additionally, it allows members from all over the world connect without having geographical restrictions since it supports multiple languages including English Spanish French German Italian Portuguese Japanese Chinese Arabic etcetera

The difference between Kaside’s website version versus its app version lies mainly in user experience; while both versions provide access to most core functions (e.g., creating/editing your profile), browsing others’ profiles & engaging in conversations) – some advanced functionalities are only available via web browser (e..g viewing photos uploaded by other members). Furthermore there are certain limitations when accessing content via mobile device due limited screen size compared with desktop computer screens . As a result , many find navigating around more difficult than if accessed from laptop or PC devices . Despite this limitation however , overall majority still prefer convenience provided by apps rather than taking time out logging into full fledged websites everytime they wish use service offered by kasdie

Safety & Security

Kasidie is committed to providing a secure and safe environment for its users. It takes various measures to ensure the security of user accounts, such as verification methods, fighting against bots and fake accounts. Kasidie has an extensive verification process which includes email address validation, phone number authentication and photo review by AI or manual staff members depending on certain criteria set out in their terms of service. Furthermore, they also offer two-factor authentication so that users can protect their account with an extra layer of security using either SMS or Google Authenticator app code generator.

When it comes to privacy policy at Kasidie , they are very transparent about how your data is collected , used & stored . They have detailed guidelines regarding the collection & usage of personal information like name , age etc., along with non-personal identifiable information like IP addresses . All this info helps them provide better services while protecting your identity from third parties who may misuse it without permission . In addition all payment transactions are secured through SSL encryption technology making sure you feel safe when sharing financial details online

Pricing and Benefits

Kasidie is an app that helps people find others who share their interests and connect with them. It has a free version, but also offers a paid subscription for additional features.

The basic membership of Kasidie is free, which allows users to create profiles, search for other members in the area or worldwide, send messages and add friends. The premium subscription gives access to more advanced features such as unlimited messaging options and profile customization tools. Premium subscribers can also join exclusive events organized by Kasidie’s team or its partners around the world at discounted prices compared to non-membership rates.

Premium subscriptions come in three different packages: Basic ($19/month), Plus ($29/month) and Elite ($49/month). All plans include unlimited messaging options along with various discounts on event tickets depending on the package chosen (e.g., 10% off all events with Basic plan; 20% off all events with Plus plan; 30% off all events with Elite plan). These prices are competitive when compared against similar services offered by competitors like Meetup or Swingerlifestyle – both of which charge $20 per month for their premium service offerings – making it easy for users looking to get value out of their money while enjoying extra benefits from being part of this community platform .

If you decide that you no longer want your paid subscription after signing up then cancelling it is relatively straightforward – simply go into your account settings page within Kasidie’s website where there will be an option available allowing you cancel your current payment cycle without any penalties incurred (i..e no cancellation fees charged) before automatically switching back over onto a basic membership until further notice if desired . Refunds may be requested under certain circumstances provided they meet specific criteria outlined in our terms & conditions section so please read through these carefully prior submitting any requests just incase!

Overall , having a paid subscription isn’t necessarily essential since most core functionalities remain accessible even without one however those willing invest some money upfront could benefit greatly from what’s included within each tier especially considering how affordable they are relative competing platforms currently operating market today !

Help & Support

Kasidie is a social platform that provides users with the opportunity to connect and meet new people. As such, it also offers support for its members should they need assistance in navigating the site or have any other questions related to their account.

The first way you can access support on Kasidie is by visiting their help page which contains frequently asked questions as well as general information about how to use the website. You can find answers quickly here if your query falls under one of these categories without having to contact customer service directly. Additionally, there are links available where you can submit an inquiry via email or chat online with a representative who will be able to answer more specific queries not covered on this page.

If neither of those options work for you then another option would be contacting them through phone at 1-800-567-8910 during regular business hours (Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm EST). The response time when using this method usually takes no longer than 24 hours but could take up 48 depending on how busy they are at that moment in time so patience may be required when waiting for an answer from them over telephone lines rather than digital ones like email and chat services provide quicker results due to less manual processing involved compared calling someone directly instead of sending out messages electronically first before speaking verbally afterwards..


1. Is Kasidie safe?

Kasidie is a social networking site that focuses on connecting people with similar interests and desires. It is designed to provide an open, safe environment for its members. The website takes safety seriously by having strict rules in place regarding user behavior and content sharing. All users must agree to the terms of service before joining Kasidie, which outlines expectations for respectful interactions between members as well as acceptable types of content shared within the community. Additionally, all profile photos are reviewed prior to being posted publicly on the site; this helps ensure that only appropriate images are visible on member profiles while also protecting against potential fraud or identity theft attempts from malicious actors online. Finally, Kasidie provides several resources such as FAQs and support forums where users can get help if they experience any issues or have questions about using their account safely

2. Is Kasidie a real dating site with real users?

Yes, Kasidie is a real dating site with real users. It has been around since 2006 and provides an online platform for adults to meet up in person or virtually. The website allows members to search through profiles of other members based on their interests and preferences, as well as communicate via private messaging or chat rooms. Members can also create events such as parties or trips that others can join if they wish to do so. In addition, the website offers lifestyle advice from experts who are knowledgeable about different topics related to relationships and sexuality. All in all, Kasidie is a legitimate dating site with active users looking for companionship both online and offline!

3. How to use Kasidie app?

Using the Kasidie app is a great way to explore your sexuality and connect with like-minded people. The app provides users with an easy-to-use platform for connecting, chatting, and exploring different aspects of their sexual interests. To get started using the Kasidie app, you will first need to create an account by providing some basic information such as age range, gender identity/preference(s), location preferences (optional) etc. Once this is done you can start browsing through profiles that match your criteria or search for specific members who interest you based on keywords in their profile description or tags they have chosen from our list of topics related to lifestyle activities & fetishes. You can also join groups within the community where other members share experiences about events they’ve attended or plan meetups together! Additionally there are various features available including chat rooms which allow users to engage in conversations with others privately while remaining anonymous if desired; photo galleries where images may be shared among friends; video uploads so that those interested can watch clips posted by other members; blog posts offering advice on how best navigate certain situations when it comes down to being part of any type of alternative lifestyle scene – all these options make up just a few examples out what’s possible via use this application!

4. Is Kasidie free?

Kasidie is not a free service. It does offer some basic features for free, such as creating an account and browsing the site’s members, but to access more advanced features like messaging other users or attending events you must purchase a membership plan. Kasidie offers several different plans with varying levels of access and prices depending on your needs.

5. Is Kasidie working and can you find someone there?

Yes, Kasidie is working and it is possible to find someone there. The website offers a range of features that make it easy for people to connect with each other. For example, users can search through profiles based on interests or location, join groups related to their lifestyle choices and hobbies, as well as attend events organized by the site itself or its members. Additionally, they have chat rooms where individuals can get acquainted in real-time conversations before deciding if they want to meet up offline for further exploration of mutual interests. All these options allow people who are looking for companionship an opportunity to explore different possibilities without feeling overwhelmed by too many choices at once


Kasidie is a great platform for those looking to find partners for dating. It has an easy-to-use design and user interface, making it simple to use even if you are not tech savvy. The app also offers excellent safety and security features that ensure your personal information remains private while using the site. Additionally, Kasidie provides help and support services through its customer service team which can be reached via email or phone call at any time of day or night. Finally, users have access to high quality profiles with detailed descriptions about themselves so they can make informed decisions when choosing potential dates online.

Overall, Kasidie seems like a reliable platform that could provide many people with exciting opportunities in their search for romance online – from casual encounters all the way up to long term relationships! Its design and usability are great; however there may be room for improvement in terms of safety & security measures as well as help & support options offered by the company itself

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Author Evelyn King

Evelyn King is a passionate writer who specializes in exploring the many facets of love, sex, and dating. She is a firm believer in the power of self-love and believes that it is the key to finding true love and contentment. Evelyn brings an honest and creative approach to her writing style, which has helped her to become an acclaimed writer in her field. She is a frequent contributor to various online publications, and her articles have been featured in numerous magazines and websites. With her unique perspective and thoughtful insights, Evelyn hopes to help others find the love and companionship they are looking for.