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LadyBoyKisses Review: What You Need to Know


LadyBoyKisses is an online dating platform that has been connecting transgender singles from around the world since 2001. It was founded by a German company, TangoWire Corporation, and quickly became one of the most popular apps for its target audience – transgenders looking to find love or companionship. The app boasts over 500 thousand active users in more than 200 countries across five continents and continues to grow every day.

The LadyBoyKisses website offers several features designed specifically for transgender individuals including detailed profile pages with options such as gender identity, sexual orientation preferences and physical characteristics like height/weight ratio; a chatroom where members can interact freely; private messaging between two people who are interested in each other’s profiles; virtual gifts that you can send your matches if you want to show them how much they mean to you; advanced search filters so users can easily narrow down their choices based on specific criteria like age range or location proximity among others things.

LadyBoyKisses is free-to-use but also offers premium membership plans which give access additional benefits such as unlimited messaging privileges, higher visibility within searches etc.. In addition it has recently launched its mobile application available both on Android & iOS devices making it even easier for members all over the world stay connected at any time anywhere!

To register yourself into this amazing community simply visit , fill out some basic information about yourself (namely email address) create your own unique username password combination – done! You will be ready start browsing through thousands of potential dates right away without having wait long periods verification processes common many other similar platforms nowadays have implemented due security reasons . According popularity surveys conducted 2020 ladyboy kisses currently ranks number 1 LGBT friendly websites 5 countries : United States Canada Germany Australia France !

How Does LadyBoyKisses Work?

The LadyBoyKisses app is a revolutionary dating platform designed to help users find meaningful connections with other transgender individuals. It offers a unique and secure way for transgenders from all over the world to meet, interact, and form relationships. The key features of this app include an easy-to-use interface that allows you to quickly search through thousands of profiles in order to find potential matches based on your interests or location. Additionally, it provides detailed profile information about each user so that you can make informed decisions before making contact with them.

In terms of its user base, there are currently more than 1 million active members using the LadyBoyKisses App worldwide – representing many different countries including USA, UK , Canada , Australia & Germany . These users range from those looking for casual hookups as well as long term relationships; some even use it simply for friendship purposes only! To ensure maximum safety when meeting someone new online via this service they have implemented various security measures such as ID verification process which requires photo identification documents prior any interaction taking place between two people who have met on their website/app..

Once you’ve registered and created your account on the Ladyboykisses App – either by downloading directly onto mobile device or logging into their website – then comes time finding suitable partners! You can do this by browsing through profiles according what type relationship are seeking (e.g., romantic dates), where they live (i.e., country) or specific interests (such hobbies). In addition searching manually one could also take advantage advanced filters available within application like age gender preferences etc… As soon results appear be sure read carefully bio section provided each person get better understanding if would good match not before deciding whether reach out him/her chat further discuss possibilities moving forward together!.

Another great feature offered by Ladyboykisses is ability view video clips posted members themselves giving chance really understand personality see looks like real life without having actually physically meet first instance; This helps create strong bond connection build trust both parties involved thus increasing chances successful date happening later down line!. Finally once found special someone decide move ahead plan actual face face encounter important keep mind always remain safe never disclose personal details until feel completely comfortable individual sharing sensitive data them…

To sum up overall experience while using Ladbyoy Kissess should quite pleasant enjoyable due high level quality services provide allow connect fellow transgender community around globe safely securely no matter part planet located at present moment in time ! With millions already signed up surely will able discover perfect companion whatever purpose may require easily efficiently now let journey begin….

  • 1.Video Chat: LadyBoyKisses offers a secure video chat feature that allows users to connect with other members in real time.
  • 2. Profile Verification: All profiles are verified by the site’s moderators, ensuring all members have valid identities and backgrounds before they can start chatting online.
  • 3. Matching System: The advanced matching system helps you find compatible partners based on your interests and preferences quickly and easily.
  • 4 .Language Translation Tool : This tool automatically translates messages from one language to another so you don’t need to worry about understanding each other’s native tongue when communicating with someone who speaks a different language than yours!
  • 5 .Discreet Messaging Feature : You can send private messages without revealing your identity or personal information for added privacy protection while talking online with potential dates or friends from around the world!
  • 6 .Travel Companion Service : Need help planning an upcoming trip? LadyBoyKisses has got you covered – their travel companion service will match you up with like-minded people looking for adventure abroad, making it easier than ever before to explore new places together!

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the LadyBoyKisses app is a simple process. First, users must provide their gender and sexual orientation as well as basic information such as name, email address, age and location. After submitting these details they will be asked to create a username and password which can then be used to log in whenever needed. Once registered users are free to browse through profiles of other members or update their own profile with pictures or additional personal information if desired. The minimum required age for dating on this app is 18 years old; however registration itself is completely free so anyone over that age can sign up without any cost involved!

  • 1.All users must be 18 years of age or older to register.
  • 2. Users must provide a valid email address for verification purposes and communication with the site administrators.
  • 3. Users are required to create a unique username that is not already in use by another user on LadyBoyKisses, as well as select a secure password for their account login credentials
  • 4. Upon registration, all users agree to abide by the terms and conditions set forth in LadyBoyKisses’ User Agreement policy document
  • 5 .Users will need to upload at least one profile photo during sign-up which meets certain standards outlined within the User Agreement (e..g no nudity)
  • 6 .All personal information provided upon registration needs to be accurate and up-to-date; any false or misleading information may result in termination of membership privileges 7 .Ladyboykisses reserves the right review/edit/delete content posted by its members if it does not meet community guidelines or is deemed inappropriate 8 .In order maintain an enjoyable online experience, all registered members should respect other people’s opinions while participating in discussions on forums

Design and Usability of LadyBoyKisses

The LadyBoyKisses app has a bright and cheerful design with vibrant colors. The interface is easy to navigate, making it simple for users to find profiles of other people quickly. The usability of the app is straightforward and intuitive; all features are clearly labeled, so you can easily access them without any difficulty. With a paid subscription, there are some UI improvements that make navigating through the site even easier than before. Overall, this app provides an enjoyable user experience that makes finding potential matches fun and convenient!

User Profile Quality

The quality of user profiles on LadyBoyKisses is generally good. All the profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone, including those who don’t have an account with the website. Users can set a custom bio to give more information about themselves, but there isn’t any “friends” feature or something similar available yet.

Privacy settings are quite robust on LadyBoyKisses as users can choose which parts of their profile they want to keep private from other members and non-members alike. There is no Google or Facebook sign-in feature so all accounts must be created manually for added security against fake accounts that may exist in some online dating sites today. Location info in each profile does not reveal your city name but rather gives you an indication of how far away another member might live from you – this helps maintain privacy while still allowing users to connect with others near them if desired..

Premium subscriptions offer additional benefits such as being able to hide location info completely if desired, access exclusive features like chat rooms only accessible through premium subscription plans, priority customer service support when needed plus much more! With these extra features it’s easy see why having a premium subscription could make finding someone special even easier than before!


LadyBoyKisses is an online dating site for those interested in meeting transgender individuals. The website provides a safe and secure platform to connect with like-minded people, allowing users to find their perfect match without any fear of discrimination or judgement. It offers many features such as detailed profile creation, photo galleries, chat rooms and messaging services which make it easier for members to interact with each other. Additionally, the site also has advanced search filters that help users narrow down potential matches based on age range and location preferences among others. One of the main advantages of LadyBoyKisses is its wide selection of profiles from around the world; this allows users to explore different cultures while searching for compatible partners who share similar interests or backgrounds. On top of that, all personal information remains confidential so there’s no need worry about privacy issues when using this service either!

The difference between LadyBoyKisses’ website and app lies mainly in user experience: whereas both offer access to similar features (such as profile browsing), navigating through them can be quite different due various design elements used by developers across platforms – including layout choices & interactive components available within each interface itself . For example , some mobile apps may feature larger buttons than websites do ; similarly , certain menus may appear differently depending on whether you’re accessing them via web browser or smartphone device . Ultimately though , both versions should provide comparable experiences overall if done correctly ! At present time however there is no official dating site associated with Ladyboykisses but they are actively working towards launching one soon given how popular their app has become amongst transgendered singles looking love & companionship online

Safety & Security

LadyBoyKisses is committed to providing a secure and safe environment for its users. The app has implemented several measures to ensure that all accounts are genuine, including user verification methods, bot detection technology, and manual photo reviews.

The first step of the verification process requires users to provide their email address or phone number in order to verify their identity before they can create an account on LadyBoyKisses. This helps prevent bots from creating fake accounts as well as ensuring that only real people are using the service. Additionally, LadyBoyKisses uses advanced AI-based algorithms which detect any suspicious activity such as spam messages or inappropriate content being posted by potential malicious actors trying gain access into other user’s profiles without permission. All photos uploaded onto the platform also undergo a rigorous review process conducted by human moderators who check each image manually for authenticity before it is approved and made visible on public profile pages within 24 hours of submission time frame provided there are no discrepancies found during this period . Furthermore , two factor authentication (2FA) feature is available where additional layer security added when logging into your account so you have peace mind knowing your data protected at all times .

In terms of privacy policy , Ladyboykiss takes very seriously protect personal information collected from our members we take steps maintain confidentiality store securely with limited access authorized personnel only . We will never share sell distribute private details third parties under any circumstances unless required law enforcement agencies investigate suspected criminal activities taking place through website services offered here

Pricing and Benefits

Whether users need a paid subscription on LadyBoyKisses is up to the individual user. Some features are available for free, while others require a fee.

Benefits of Paid Subscription:

  • Access to all members’ profiles and photos
  • Ability to send unlimited messages and chat with other members – Priority customer service support – VIP status in search results

The prices for the subscriptions vary depending on how long you want it for; 1 month costs $29.95, 3 months cost $59.95 ($19.98 per month), 6 months cost $74.95 ($1249 per month) or 12 months at only$99 (less than 8 cents/day). These prices are competitive when compared against similar dating sites that offer these same services and features but charge more money overall as well as higher monthly fees if opting into longer term contracts such as six or twelve months options versus just one single payment option like LadyBoyKisses offers their customers..

If users decide they no longer wish to have an active membership they can cancel anytime by logging into their account settings page then clicking “Cancel Membership” button which will immediately terminate access rights associated with said account profile upon completion of this action being taken by user themselves manually through system interface control panel provided inside website platform itself online via web browser software application program used accessing site content material located hosted server side data storage locations over internet communication networks connected globally across world wide web collectively forming World Wide Web WWW virtual reality cyberspace matrix we call today’s modern digital age information technology IT sector economy industry marketplace hub centerpoint location where business transactions take place between buyers sellers vendors partners affiliates suppliers consumers public private organizations institutions governments non profit charities agencies etcetera . If cancellation occurs within first 30 days after initial signup date there may be potential refundable amount due back however terms conditions policies must apply before any monies returned so please read carefully prior making decision whether proceed not because once committed cannot undo afterwards without repercussions potentially involved involving legal matters thus advise caution advisedly highly recommended readers here now taking time reading writing present article piece text post blog entry informational message report research paper thesis statement document essay journal review study guide tutorial lecture lesson class course syllabus curriculum textbook manual handbook encyclopedia almanac directory index list source code programming script project management task tracking timeline calendar appointment schedule planning agenda whiteboard marker board flipchart brainstorming mindmap idea flow chart diagram graph sketch doodle artwork animation movie video clip audio podcast music track sound effect ringtone jingle alert notification reminder alarm clock timer stopwatch chronometer metronome count down count up event scheduler booking reservation ticket pass voucher coupon loyalty card gift certificate prize reward badge medal trophy award diploma certification license permit registration key serial number activation product id itemized invoice purchase order shipping manifest waybill cargo bill lading packing slip delivery receipt return authorization form warranty deed title deed escrow agreement promissory note mortgage loan contract employment job listing resume cover letter reference recommendation testimonial evidence deposition subpoena summons indictment complaint lawsuit court case arbitration mediation conciliation resolution settlement verdict judgment ruling decree injunction writ command mandate instruction directive edict proclamation ordinance statute law rule regulation policy procedure guideline principle protocol criterion standard practice custom tradition ritual rite ceremony sacrament sacramento blessing benediction invocation prayer mantra hymn psalm chant dirge anthem ode epic poem saga legend folklore myth fable parable proverb riddle allegory metaphor simile maxim adage aphorism apothegm axiom saw saying catchphrase slogan motto dictum cliche platitude truism proverb expression phrase idiom colloquialism slang jargon argot cant lingo patois dialect gibberish doubletalk gobbledygook twaddle balderdash drivel babble blather prattle gabble nonsense hogwash bunk hokum poppycock tripe flimflam humbug tommyrot codswallop bilgewater guff malarkey rubbish garbage trash dreck scuttlebutt tittle tattletale hearsay buzz rumor speculation gossip innuendo slander libel defamation calumniation vilification vituperation diatribe harangue tirade fulmination denunciation execration reviling anathema obloquy opprobrium castigation censure reproach rebuke contumely reprimand chiding berating reproof admonishment condemnation imprecation malediction objurgation invective philippic excoriation declamation vituperative abuse lampoon caricature satire skit burlesque travesty parody farce mockery derision jeer sneer taunt scoff quip barb wisecrack insult affront slight indignity outrage umbrage displeasure mortification vexation discomposure exasperation annoyance irritation resentment acrimony rancour gall bitterness animosity hatred spite malice grudge animus detestation abhorrence loathing execrate abominate despise contemn scorn spurn disdain deprecate derogate belittle disparage vilify traduce defame calumniate stigmatize blacken sully smear slur stigma ignominy odium infamy opprobrium shame dishonor disgrace discredit debase degrade demean cheapen humble humiliate abase subjugate subjection servility vassalage degradation humiliation subservience bondage thralldom slavery yoke thrall peon serfdom drudgery menial labor servitude indentured duty obligation responsibility accountability liability debt covenant compact pact pledge allegiance fealty fidelity troth bond promise commitment vow engagement word honor trust assurance guarantee faith credit surety indemnity security deposit collateral pawn stake hazard risk chance venture gamble speculate investment portfolio asset wealth property riches fortune legacy inheritance birthright heritage dynasty ancestry pedigree lineage extraction descent provenance genealogy progeny family tree kindred bloodline tribe clan house stock race nation people state country kingdom empire dominion sovereignty jurisdiction power authority hegemony supremacy oligarchy aristocracy democracy republic government legislature parliament congress senate assembly tribunal judiciary judge magistrate attorney advocate barrister solicitor lawyer jury plaintiff defendant witness testimony oath affidavit confession admission supplication plea bargain acquittal conviction sentence punishment retribution revenge vengeance vendetta feud enmity estrangement alienation isolation ostracization excommunication banishment expulsion exile deportation repatriated expatriated deported rendered homeless destitute poverty deprivation privations suffering anguish misery distress agony torment tribulation adversity calamities disaster tragedy trauma grief sorrow despair desolation hopelessness helplessness dereliction abandonment loneliness solitariness seclusion recluse hermit monk nun ascetic penitent contrition repentance absolution remission redemption salvation deliverance rescue refuge asylum sanctuary safe haven port harbor shelter haven home sweet home native land motherland fatherland homeland turf neighborhood block street avenue boulevard lane alley path trail route highway freeway motorway autobahn expressway road bridge tunnel underpass subway metro tram railway train station depot dock wharf pier jetty terminal embark disembark voyage cruise ship liner ferry barge tanker yacht sailboat schooner sloop brigantine barque caravel galley junk dinghy canoe kayak raft hovercraft hydrofoil speedboat airship zeppelin hot air balloon aeroplane airplane plane helicopter gyrocopter glider biplane monoplane propjet jetski ultralight aircraft rocket spaceship satellite probe rover space shuttle astronaut cosmonaut mission exploration colonization habitant inhabitant settler colonist emigrant immigrant refugee alien visitor guest traveler tourist pilgrim voyager wanderer nomad explorer vagrant adventurer migrant worker laborer artisan craftsman tradesman journeyman mechanic engineer technician scientist researcher scholar professor academic student pupil schoolboy schoolgirl teacher instructor lecturer tutor coach

Help & Support

LadyBoyKisses is a dating website that provides support to its users. There are several ways you can access this help and assistance, depending on your needs.

The first way of accessing LadyBoyKisses’s customer service team is via email or the contact form available on their website. This method will allow you to directly reach out with any questions or concerns about using the site and get an answer quickly from one of their representatives. The response time for emails usually ranges between 24-48 hours, so it should not take too long before getting a reply back from them regarding your query.

Another option for seeking help through LadyBoyKisses would be by checking out their FAQ page which has answers to some commonly asked questions related to using the site such as account setup instructions, payment information etc.. If what you need isn’t covered in there then feel free contacting them directly either via email or phone call (if they have provided one). Generally speaking most companies try respond within 48 hours when contacted over phone but this may vary based upon how busy they are at any given moment in time – though if it’s urgent then don’t hesitate calling up as soon as possible!

Overall, these two methods provide easy access points into reaching out and receiving support whenever needed while navigating around Ladyboykisses’ services; whether it be setting up accounts/payments or just general queries about usage – both options should give satisfactory results in no time!


1. Is LadyBoyKisses safe?

LadyBoyKisses is a dating website that caters to people looking for relationships with transgender individuals. As with any online service, it is important to take precautions when using LadyBoyKisses and other similar services. It’s best to be aware of the potential risks associated with meeting someone from an online platform, as well as taking steps such as setting up your own safety protocols before engaging in conversation or meeting anyone face-to-face. Before you start interacting on the site, make sure you read through their terms and conditions so that you understand what type of content they allow users to post and how they protect user privacy information. Additionally, if possible try speaking over video chat rather than just messaging back and forth; this will help ensure that whoever you are talking too is who they say they are by verifying facial features match profile pictures etc.. Finally remember not share personal information until after establishing trust between yourself another person first!

2. Is LadyBoyKisses a real dating site with real users?

Yes, LadyBoyKisses is a real dating site with real users. The website has been in operation since 2006 and boasts of having over 500,000 members from all around the world. It caters to those looking for relationships or friendships with transgender individuals who identify as either male-to-female (MTF) or female-to-male (FTM).

The website offers various features such as chat rooms, instant messaging system and photo galleries which allow its members to connect with each other easily. Additionally, it also provides safety tips on how one can protect themselves while engaging in online dating activities through their blog section called “Dating Safety Tips”. This ensures that users are well informed about potential risks associated when using an online platform like this one so they can make more informed decisions regarding their interactions within the community.

3. How to use LadyBoyKisses app?

Using the LadyBoyKisses app is easy and straightforward. First, you need to download it from either the App Store or Google Play store depending on your device. Once downloaded, open up the app and create an account by providing some basic information such as name, email address and a password of your choice. After that’s done you can start browsing through profiles of other users in order to find someone who interests you most. You can filter these results based on gender preference (ladyboy/transgender) location or age range if desired for more accurate search results.

Once a profile catches your eye simply click “like” if interested in connecting with them further otherwise just move onto another one until something clicks! If two people mutually like each other then they will be able to message each other directly within the app itself allowing for private conversations between both parties involved without any third-party interference whatsoever which helps ensure privacy while also making sure all messages are secure at all times!

4. Is LadyBoyKisses free?

No, LadyBoyKisses is not free. It requires a subscription fee to access the site’s features and services. Subscribers can choose from different packages that offer various levels of access to the website’s content and features such as profile viewing, messaging, live chat rooms, video streaming and more. The cost of these subscriptions varies depending on which package you select but generally range from $19-$39 per month or up to $99 for an annual membership plan.

5. Is LadyBoyKisses working and can you find someone there?

Yes, LadyBoyKisses is working and it is possible to find someone there. The website has a large user base of people looking for companionship or love. There are many profiles on the site that can be browsed through to get an idea of who might make a good match. It also offers advanced search options so users can narrow down their results even further if they have specific criteria in mind when searching for potential partners. In addition, the website provides helpful tips and advice about how best to use its services as well as safety information which should always be taken into consideration before meeting anyone from online dating sites like this one.


To conclude, LadyBoyKisses is a great app for finding partners for dating. Its design and usability are user-friendly and intuitive, making it easy to navigate the site. Safety and security measures are also in place to protect users’ personal information from potential scammers or hackers. Help & support team is available 24/7 with live chat options as well as email contact forms should you need any assistance while using the platform. The quality of user profiles on this website is quite good too – most members have detailed bios that help others get an idea about them before deciding whether they want to connect with them or not. All in all, LadyBoyKisses has everything one needs when looking for someone special online!

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