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  • Compatibility matching
  • Large user base
  • Scientific approach to matchmaking
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  • Privacy concerns


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Parship Review 2023 – Is It Perfect Or Scam?


Parship is an online dating app that has been helping singles find meaningful relationships since 2001. It’s owned by the same company behind eDarling, one of Europe’s leading matchmaking services. Parship caters to people looking for serious and long-term relationships rather than casual hookups or flings, making it a great choice for those seeking something more substantial in their love life.

The platform currently boasts over 11 million active users across five countries: Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France and Spain – with its biggest market being Germany where it enjoys around 4 million monthly visitors alone! With such a large user base comes many advantages; you can be sure there are plenty of potential matches out there waiting to meet someone just like you! Plus thanks to advanced search filters and compatibility tests designed by experts in psychology & relationship science – finding your perfect partner on Parship couldn’t be easier.

So who exactly can use this service? Well anyone aged 18+ living within these 5 European countries is welcome here regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation – so everyone should feel at home when using the site/app! The registration process itself takes no longer than 10 minutes (depending on how detailed you want your profile) but once completed gives access not only to all features offered but also lets other members know about yourself which increases chances of getting noticed quickly among thousands others registered already!.

Speaking about features available – apart from standard ones like messaging system , chat rooms etc., what makes Parship stand out from competition is unique matching algorithm based upon psychological test results done during sign up procedure . This helps narrow down list compatible partners even further thus increasing chance meeting special someone significantly ! As if that wasn’t enough they offer various tools allowing safe communication between two parties while keeping anonymity intact until both sides decide otherwise ! Last thing worth mentioning would be mobile application released recently as well as web version giving customers freedom choose whatever suits them best depending situation at hand..

Is this app free ? Yes , basic membership doesn’t cost anything however premium account offers additional benefits including ability see full profiles without restrictions , get unlimited messages etc .. All things considered we believe parships deserves attention due popularity amongst millions Europeans actively searching true love via internet each day .

How Does Parship Work?

Parship is a dating app that has become increasingly popular in recent years. It offers users the opportunity to find meaningful relationships through its unique algorithm and matching system. The key features of Parship include detailed profile creation, extensive personality tests, and tailored matches based on user preferences. Additionally, it allows users to search for potential partners by age range or location with an advanced filter option available as well.

When searching for profiles on Parship, you can choose from various criteria such as age group or distance away from your current location which makes finding compatible people easier than ever before! You also have the ability to view other members’ photos if they are visible publicly so you can get a better idea of who they are before making contact with them directly via chat messages or video calls – both options being completely free within the app itself!

The types of users vary greatly depending upon what each individual is looking for; some may be seeking casual encounters while others might be interested in something more serious like marriage proposals! There are many different countries represented among Parships’ millions-strong membership base including United States (3 million), Germany (2 million), France (1 million) Spain (500 thousand) and Italy(400 thousand). This diversity ensures there’s always someone new waiting around every corner just right for everyone no matter their preference when it comes down to meeting potential partners online safely & securely without any hassle whatsoever!.

On top of this comprehensive selection process provided by parship there’s also several additional safety measures put into place designed specifically keeping all its members safe at all times during their time spent using this service such as manual verification processes carried out periodically along side automated ones too ensure only real genuine people remain active on here . As well regular monitoring done behind scenes make sure inappropriate behaviour doesn’t go unnoticed either !

Overall , due these factors combined together plus more offered up exclusively here , we believe that parships one most reliable trustworthy apps currently market today providing perfect platform those wanting explore world online matchmaking confidently secure manner possible !

  • 1.Compatibility Test: Parship uses a scientific approach to match users based on their personalities and interests.
  • 2. Anonymous Messaging: Users can communicate with each other without revealing their personal information or contact details.
  • 3. Photo Verification System: All photos uploaded by members are verified for authenticity, ensuring that only genuine profiles appear in the system.
  • 4. Matching Algorithm: The algorithm takes into account factors such as age, location and lifestyle preferences when suggesting potential matches to users..
  • 5 .Mobile App Availability : Members can access Parship from any device through its mobile app available both on iOS and Android platforms
  • 6 .Safety & Security Measures : To ensure safety of user data ,Parship employs advanced encryption technology along with strict privacy policies

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the Parship app is a straightforward process. After downloading and opening the app, users will be asked to enter their gender, date of birth (the minimum age for registering is 18 years old), email address and password. Once this information has been submitted, they can then create an account by filling out some additional details such as location preferences and personal interests which helps with finding compatible matches. They are also required to upload a profile picture in order to complete registration successfully. Registration on Parship is free but if users wish to take advantage of all features offered by the service they need to upgrade their membership plan through payment options available within the application itself or via credit card/PayPal transactions outside it. After submitting these details, users can start browsing profiles that match their criteria or wait until potential matches appear in their inboxes according recommendations from algorithms used by Parship’s matching system based on data provided during registration stage .

  • 1.Must be 18 years of age or older
  • 2. Provide a valid email address
  • 3. Create a unique username and password
  • 4. Agree to the terms and conditions
  • 5. Upload an appropriate profile photo (no nudity, offensive images etc.)
  • 6. Fill out all required personal information such as gender, location, interests etc., accurately and honestly
  • 7. Choose your desired subscription plan if applicable 8 . Make payment for chosen subscription plan

Design and Usability of Parship

The Parship app has a modern design with light and dark colors that make it easy to navigate. The profiles of other people are easily accessible through the search bar, allowing you to find potential matches quickly. Usability is also good; most features can be accessed from the main page without having to go too deep into menus or sub-menus. Purchasing a paid subscription does not improve usability but gives access to more features such as detailed personality reports and compatibility ratings for each match suggestion.

User Profile Quality

Parship is a dating website that requires users to create profiles. The quality of the user profile depends on how much information each individual provides. Profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone who visits the site, but there is no “friends” feature or anything similar available for users to connect with one another outside of their own private messaging system. Users have control over their privacy settings, allowing them to decide what personal information they want displayed publicly and which should remain hidden from view. There isn’t an option for Google or Facebook sign-in either; all accounts must be created manually through Parship’s registration process in order to prevent fake accounts from being created without verification checks taking place first. Location info within user profiles does not reveal any exact addresses, only cities/towns where people live so it doesn’t provide too much detail about someone’s whereabouts unless you already know them personally anyway! You can hide your location info if desired though as well as set up custom bios which helps make your profile more unique than others out there – this may even come with some benefits depending on whether you’re subscribed at a premium level or not! Finally, Parship also has measures in place such as photo moderation tools designed specifically aimed at preventing any inappropriate images being uploaded onto its platform – giving peace of mind when browsing other members’ profiles knowing that everything has been checked before going live online


Parship is a dating website that offers singles the opportunity to find meaningful relationships. The site uses its own algorithm to match users based on their personality traits and interests, as well as providing them with access to thousands of potential partners from all over the world. Parship also provides members with advice about online safety and tips for successful dates. One of the main advantages of using Parship is that it allows people who are looking for serious long-term relationships rather than casual hookups or one night stands an easy way to meet compatible matches without having to spend hours swiping through endless profiles like other popular apps do. Additionally, since it’s not location-based, you can connect with anyone in any part of the world if they have similar values and goals in life as you do!

At this time there isn’t a dedicated app available specifically for Parship but instead users must use either their mobile browser or desktop computer when accessing the service due primarily because most modern smartphones don’t support Flash which many parts of their platform rely upon heavily so creating an optimized version would be difficult at best given current technology constraints . This means that while some features may work differently between devices (such as messaging) overall functionality remains largely unchanged regardless whether someone logs into via phone/tablet versus laptop/desktop device meaning no matter what type device being used same experience should still be had by user base at large

Safety & Security

Parship is a dating app that takes security seriously. It has implemented several measures to ensure the safety of its users and their data. All new accounts must be verified through an email address or phone number, making it difficult for bots and fake accounts to register on the platform. Parship also manually reviews all profile photos before they are approved by moderators, ensuring only real people appear in search results and matches. Additionally, two-factor authentication can be enabled for added protection when logging into your account from different devices or locations.

In terms of privacy policy, Parship guarantees user confidentiality at all times as well as compliance with applicable laws such as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). They have strict policies regarding what personal information may be collected from users during registration process; this includes name, age gender etc., but no financial details are required nor stored on their servers unless explicitly authorized by the user themselves . Furthermore ,they take extra steps like encryption technologies which ensures secure transmission of sensitive data over public networks .

Pricing and Benefits

Parship is a dating app that provides users with the opportunity to find potential partners. The basic version of Parship is free, but if you want access to more features and an improved experience then you can opt for a paid subscription.

The premium membership on Parship offers several benefits such as unlimited messaging, advanced search filters, additional profile visibility options and detailed personality reports. Prices start from £14 per month depending on the length of your contract (6 months or 12 months). This makes it one of the most competitively priced online dating services in Europe.

Cancelling your subscription with Parship is easy; simply go into ‘My Account’ settings and select ‘Subscription Cancellation’ option which will take effect immediately after confirmation by emailing [email protected] . Refunds are available up until 14 days before cancellation date so make sure you read all terms & conditions carefully when signing up for any service plan!

So do users really need a paid subscription? It depends entirely upon individual needs – some may prefer having access to extra features while others might be contented using just the basic version without spending money at all! Ultimately it’s down to personal preference whether someone chooses free or paid subscriptions but either way they should still have fun finding their perfect match through this popular platform!

Help & Support

Parship is a dating website that offers its users access to support services. The first way you can get help from Parship is by visiting their Help page on the website. Here, they have provided answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about using their service and setting up an account. This page also includes contact information for customer service if you need further assistance with your query or issue.

If you cannot find what you are looking for in this section, then it may be necessary to contact Parship directly via email or telephone number which can both be found on the Contact Us page of their site as well as within each individual FAQ answer listed in the Help section mentioned above. Generally speaking, response times will vary depending upon how busy they are but customers should expect a reply within 24 hours at least when contacting them through either method mentioned here.

Finally, another great resource available from Parship is their online forum where members who use and enjoy using the platform come together to discuss various topics related not only just dating advice but also general life issues too! It’s always worth checking out these conversations before getting into direct communication with customer support since many people have already experienced similar problems before so chances are there might already be an answer waiting there without having needing any additional input from staff themselves!


1. Is Parship safe?

Parship is a reputable online dating service that takes safety and security seriously. They use the latest encryption technology to ensure all of their users’ personal information is kept secure, and they have an extensive privacy policy in place which outlines how user data will be used. Parship also offers its members additional protection with identity verification services, so you can feel confident that any potential matches are who they say they are. The site has a team of moderators dedicated to ensuring only genuine profiles remain active on the platform, as well as customer support staff available 24/7 should any issues arise while using the service. Overall, Parship provides a safe environment for singles looking for love or companionship online

2. Is Parship a real dating site with real users?

Yes, Parship is a real dating site with real users. It has been around since 2001 and it offers its services to singles in 13 countries across Europe. The website uses an algorithm-based compatibility test to match people based on their personalities and interests. This ensures that the matches are compatible with each other for a long-term relationship or marriage. Parship also provides members with access to detailed profiles of potential partners, as well as providing them advice about online dating safety tips and communication guidelines so they can have successful relationships without any worries or risks involved.

3. How to use Parship app?

Using the Parship app is easy and straightforward. First, you need to download it from your device’s app store. Once installed, open the application and create an account by entering some basic information such as name, age, gender etc. After creating your profile on Parship you can start searching for potential matches based on their interests or location using filters like age range or distance away from where you are located. You can also view other users’ profiles before deciding if they might be a good match for yourself – this includes photos and detailed personal information about them so that you know what kind of person they are before making contact with them via chat or email within the platform itself! Finally once two people have agreed to meet up in real life then all communication must take place outside of Parship – which ensures safety while still allowing users freedom when meeting new people online!

4. Is Parship free?

Parship is not free. Parship offers a variety of subscription plans, ranging from one month to 12 months in length. Depending on the plan you choose, prices range from €39 for one month up to €119 for twelve months. The longer your subscription period, the lower your monthly cost will be overall; however all memberships include access to Parship’s full suite of features and services including their personality test and matching algorithm as well as unlimited messaging with other users who meet your criteria.

5. Is Parship working and can you find someone there?

Parship is a dating website that has been helping people find meaningful relationships since 2001. The site uses an extensive personality test to help match users with compatible partners, and the results of this test are used to generate suggested matches for each user. Parship also offers various features such as private messaging, photo galleries and icebreakers so that members can get to know one another better before deciding if they would like to meet in person. With its large membership base spanning across Europe, it is possible for someone using Parship’s services to find someone special who shares their interests or values. Whether you are looking for something casual or long-term, there could be somebody out there waiting just for you!


In conclusion, Parship is a great dating app for those looking to find their perfect partner. It has an intuitive design and usability that makes it easy to use even for beginners. The safety and security features are top-notch as the platform takes extra measures to protect its users from any kind of fraud or scam. Furthermore, help and support staffs are always available in case you need assistance with anything related to your account or profile on the website/app. Lastly, user profiles quality is also excellent since they require all members fill out detailed information about themselves so potential matches can get a better idea of who they’re talking too before deciding if they want pursue further contact with them or not.. All these aspects make Parship one of the best apps when it comes finding love online!

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Author Benjamin Adams

Benjamin Adams is an experienced dating expert who has been helping people find love for over 10 years. He is a contributing writer for various dating websites and apps, writing reviews and providing insight on the latest trends in the dating world. He is also an advocate for online safety, providing helpful tips and advice to keep people safe while dating online. Benjamin has a passion for helping people find the right match and making sure they have the best possible experience. He is dedicated to helping others find love, and his reviews and advice reflect this.