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Scruff: A Comprehensive Review of the Popular Online Dating Spot


Scruff is a popular dating and social networking app for gay, bi, trans, and queer people. Launched in 2010 by Johnny Skandros and Eric Silverberg with the goal of creating an inclusive space for LGBTQ+ individuals to connect with each other online. It has since grown into one of the largest platforms catering specifically to this community worldwide.

With over 15 million active users across more than 180 countries globally Scruff continues to be at the forefront when it comes to connecting members from all walks of life who are looking for meaningful relationships or casual encounters through its unique features such as "Woofs" (a feature that allows you send messages directly without having mutual matches) or “Travel Alert” which helps protect your privacy while traveling abroad. The platform also offers advanced search filters allowing users customize their searches according whether they’re looking someone local or far away; searching based on interests/hobbies; age range etc.. In addition there’s also an option called "SCRUFF Match" where user can answer various questions about themselves so others can find them easily within their area if both parties match then it will notify both sides accordingly via push notifications .

Owned by Perry Street Software Inc., headquartered in New York City – USA ,the application is available free-of-charge on iOS & Android devices plus desktop computers as well making accessible virtually anywhere around world ; providing additional benefits like detailed profile settings including customizing visibility preferences regarding HIV status , body type etc… Additionally SCRUFF Pro subscription provides access exclusive content / experiences not available elsewhere such as unlimited chat history storage along variety other perks designed help make connections even easier !

According App Annie reports published last year – 2020 , Scruff ranks #1 most downloaded Social Networking apps category Google Play Store 5 countries : Mexico United States Brazil Argentina Colombia being among top 10 list many others throughout Latin America Europe Asia Pacific Middle East Africa regions combined . All said done registering new account couldn’t simpler process just few steps required create username password provide valid email address confirm terms conditions start exploring today!

How Does Scruff Work?

Scruff is a popular dating and social networking app for gay, bi, trans, and queer people. It has over 15 million users worldwide from more than 180 countries. The key features of the Scruff app include an intuitive user interface that allows you to easily search through profiles by location or interests; powerful filters that let you find exactly what type of person you’re looking for; detailed profile information so users can get to know each other better before meeting up in real life; messaging tools like text chat as well as video calls which allow two-way communication between members who are interested in getting to know one another further; private photo albums where only approved friends can view photos shared on the platform.

Users can browse through hundreds of thousands of active profiles on Scruff based on their own preferences such as age range, gender identity/expression (including cisgender), body type etc., allowing them to quickly narrow down potential matches within seconds without having to scroll endlessly until they find someone interesting enough worth connecting with. Additionally there are many different types of users available including casual daters seeking short term relationships all the way up long-term partners searching for love & commitment – something which makes it ideal for everyone regardless if they’re just starting out or already experienced with online dating apps!
In terms 5 countries specifically: USA leads at 6 million followed by Brazil (2M+), Mexico(1M+), UK(800K+) & Germany (600K+) respectively making it one most diverse platforms when comes international reach its user base!

The process itself is quite simple – after downloading and setting up your account all have do is fill out basic details about yourself then start browsing nearby profiles see who catches eye next step will be sending messages back forth those whom attracted too eventually leading possible meetup either virtual physical depending situation comfort level both parties involved!. In addition this also helps ensure safety security since able keep track conversations had any particular individual case need reported inappropriate behavior blocked contact list altogether order maintain safe environment entire community enjoy using service provided free charge no hidden costs whatsoever!.

  • 1.Pet Profile Creation: Create a detailed profile for your pet, including photos and information about breed, age, size and more.
  • 2. Lost & Found Alerts: Receive notifications when pets go missing in your area so you can help reunite them with their owners quickly.
  • 3. Adoption Support Network: Connect with local shelters to find adoptable animals near you or list available pets from rescues that need homes urgently
  • 4. Vet Finder Tool: Easily locate veterinarians nearby who offer the services needed for your pet’s health care needs
  • 5 .Activity Tracking : Track activities such as walks , runs , playtime etc., to monitor overall fitness of furry friends
  • 6 .Social Community : Interact within an online community of other animal lovers by sharing stories and advice on topics related to caring for our four-legged family members

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the Scruff app is a straightforward process. After downloading and opening the app, users are asked to provide their email address, username, password as well as some basic information about themselves such as age and gender identity. Once all of this has been filled out correctly an activation link will be sent to your email which must be clicked in order for registration to complete successfully. After submitting these details you will have access to view other profiles within the app’s database that match with yours based on criteria like location or interests; allowing you then start connecting with people who share similar values or hobbies! The minimum required age for dating on Scruff is 18 years old and it’s free of charge register – so why not give it a try?

  • 1.Provide a valid email address
  • 2. Create a unique username
  • 3. Choose and confirm a password
  • 4. Upload an appropriate profile photo (no nudity or offensive images)
  • 5. Agree to the terms of service
  • 6. Verify your age is 18+ years old
  • 7. Enter your location information (city, state/province, country) 8 . Opt-in for notifications from Scruff

Design and Usability of Scruff

The Scruff app has a modern design with vibrant colors that make it attractive and easy to use. The user interface is intuitive, allowing users to quickly find profiles of other people by searching for specific criteria or browsing through the suggested matches. It also features an activity feed which makes it easier to stay up-to-date on what’s happening in your community. Usability wise, navigating between different sections of the app is straightforward thanks to its well laid out menu bar at the bottom of each page. With a paid subscription you get access additional features such as unlimited message storage and advanced search filters – making finding someone even easier! Overall, Scruff offers an enjoyable experience when looking for connections online without any major UI improvements needed from purchasing a premium membership plan

User Profile Quality

Scruff is a social networking app for gay, bi and trans people. The user profiles on Scruff are public by default, meaning anyone can view them without needing to be connected or accepted as friends. Users have the option of setting a custom bio in their profile which allows them to share more information about themselves with other users. There is also an “Explore” feature that lets you find potential matches based on your location and interests.

When it comes to privacy settings, Scruff offers several options such as hiding your age or last online time from others; blocking certain users; limiting who can see photos uploaded onto the platform; disabling messages from strangers etc.. Additionally there’s no need for Google or Facebook sign-in so personal data remains private unless shared voluntarily by the user himself/herself. Furthermore fake accounts are not tolerated and any suspicious activity will result in immediate suspension of account privileges until further investigation takes place if necessary .

In terms of location info revealed through profiles – depending on how much detail you want included when creating one , it could show either just city name , country code (e g US)or even exact coordinates down to meters level accuracy . However this all depends solely upon what each individual chooses while filling out his/her profile form ; additionally members do have access into their own "privacy center" where they may hide some parts like current distance between two users at any given moment should they wish so . As far as premium subscription goes those usually come with extra benefits like additional filters during search process & being able top upload up 10x more pictures than regular free version does …


Scruff is a popular dating app for gay, bi, trans and queer people. It has over 15 million members worldwide and offers an array of features to help users find their perfect match. The site provides detailed profiles with photos and information about the user’s interests as well as allowing them to search by location or other criteria such as age range or body type. Scruff also allows its users to connect via private messaging which makes it easier for those looking for more than just casual encounters.

At this time there is no dedicated Scruff dating website; however, the mobile app can be used on both iOS and Android devices so that users have access wherever they are located in the world. This gives greater flexibility when searching through potential matches but does mean that some features may not be available on certain platforms due to technical limitations within each operating system’s environment (e..g video chat). Additionally, since all communication takes place within the app itself rather than being hosted externally like many traditional websites do – this means data privacy remains secure at all times without having any personal details shared publicly online unless desired by individual user choice .

Safety & Security

Scruff is a dating app that takes security and privacy very seriously. The platform uses several methods to ensure users are safe from bots, fake accounts, and malicious actors. All user profiles must be verified before they can access the full features of Scruff’s service; this verification process includes photo review by their team of moderators as well as AI-based facial recognition technology for added accuracy. In addition to manual reviews, Scruff also has an automated system in place which flags suspicious activity or content on its network – such as multiple account creation attempts with identical information – allowing them to quickly identify potential threats before they become a problem for other users. Furthermore, two-factor authentication is available through SMS codes sent directly to the user’s phone number upon login – adding another layer of protection against unauthorized access into someone else’s account without permission or knowledge.

In terms of privacy policy compliance, all data collected by Scruff during registration (such as name/email address) will only be used internally within the company and not shared with any third parties unless required by law enforcement agencies when necessary; furthermore no personal identifiable information will ever be sold or distributed outside their organization under any circumstances whatsoever according do their Terms & Conditions agreement outlined onsite at www(dot)scrufff(dot)com/privacy

Pricing and Benefits

Is a Paid Subscription on Scruff Necessary?

Scruff is an app designed to help gay, bi, trans and queer people connect with each other. It offers many features that are free for users but also has some additional benefits available through its paid subscription plan. So the question remains: do users really need a paid subscription on Scruff?

The basic version of the app is completely free and provides access to all core functions such as messaging, searching profiles by location or interests and creating groups. This means that if you’re just looking for casual connections then there’s no real need to pay extra money for anything else – it’s perfectly possible to get what you want without spending any cash at all!

However, those who want more out of their experience may find value in upgrading their account with one of three different plans offered by Scruff: Pro ($9/month), VIP ($19/month) or Enterprise (contact them directly). The main advantages include unlimited profile views per day; advanced search filters; ad-free browsing; priority customer support service; ability to see when someone read your message etc. Prices seem quite competitive compared with similar services so it might be worth considering if these extras sound like something useful for you personally.

If after signing up you decide not change your mind about getting a premium membership then cancelling should be straightforward enough – simply go into Settings > Billing & Payments > Cancel My Account from within the app itself (or contact them via email). Refunds will depend upon which payment method was used originally but generally speaking they offer refunds only under certain circumstances such as accidental purchases or technical issues preventing usage of purchased products – please check their Terms & Conditions page before making any payments though!

All things considered it seems clear that whether or not paying extra money makes sense depends largely on individual needs – those seeking deeper connections could benefit from having access to additional features while others can easily make do without them just fine!

Help & Support

Scruff provides a range of support options for its users. The first and most accessible way to access help is through the Scruff Help Center page, which can be found on their website. This page offers detailed answers to frequently asked questions about using the app as well as troubleshooting advice if you are having technical issues with your account or device.

If you need further assistance after consulting this resource, then it’s possible to contact Scruff Support directly via email at [email protected] They aim to respond within 24 hours of receiving an enquiry but may take longer depending on how busy they are. If your issue requires urgent attention then there is also a phone number that can be used – +1 (877) 872-7226 – although response times will vary depending upon when you call them during business hours (Monday–Friday 9am–5pm EST).

Finally, if none of these methods provide satisfactory solutions for your problem then it’s possible to submit an official ticket request by filling out the form available from their Contact Us page; however due to high demand responses could take up several days before being received so bear this in mind when submitting any queries here too!


1. Is Scruff safe?

Scruff is generally considered to be a safe platform for users. The app has various safety features in place, such as allowing users to block and report other members who are harassing or behaving inappropriately. Scruff also encourages its members to use caution when meeting up with people they don’t know by providing advice on how best to stay safe during meetups. Additionally, the app allows you to set privacy settings so that only approved contacts can view your profile information and photos. All of these measures help ensure that Scruff remains a secure environment where individuals can safely connect with one another without fear of harassment or abuse from other users.

2. Is Scruff a real dating site with real users?

Yes, Scruff is a real dating site with real users. It was launched in 2010 and has since become one of the most popular gay social networking apps for men looking to meet other men. The app allows users to connect with others based on location, interests, and more; it also offers features such as messaging capabilities, photo sharing options and profile customization tools that make finding someone compatible easier than ever before. With over 12 million members worldwide from 180 countries around the world using Scruff every day – including many who are seeking relationships or just friendship – this platform provides an excellent opportunity for those searching for love or companionship online.

3. How to use Scruff app?

Using the Scruff app is easy and straightforward. To get started, simply download the app from your device’s App Store or Google Play store. Once you have downloaded it, create an account by entering a username and password of your choice. You can then fill out information about yourself such as age, location, interests etc., which will help other users find you on the platform more easily. After that’s done, take some time to browse through profiles of people in your area who share similar interests with you; when something catches your eye don’t hesitate to send them a message! Scruff also offers various features like "woof" (which allows users to show interest without sending messages) and “scruff venture” (a feature for travelers looking for friends abroad). With all these options available at hand it should be easy enough for anyone interested in using this dating/socializing platform to make connections quickly!

4. Is Scruff free?

Yes, Scruff is free to use. It does not require any payment or subscription for users to access its features and services. The app offers a wide range of options that are available without cost, such as creating an account, browsing profiles and sending messages. Additionally, the app also provides premium features which can be accessed through in-app purchases or by subscribing to their Pro version with additional benefits like unlimited messaging and profile views among others. With all these options at hand it’s easy for anyone interested in finding friends online to get started on Scruff right away!

5. Is Scruff working and can you find someone there?

Yes, Scruff is working and it can be used to find someone. The app allows users to connect with other people from all over the world who share similar interests or are looking for a romantic relationship. It has an extensive search feature that makes finding potential matches easy and convenient. Users can also filter their searches by age, location, gender identity, sexual orientation and more so they only see profiles of those individuals who meet their criteria. Additionally, there are several features available on the platform such as private messaging options which allow users to get in touch quickly if they want to take things further with someone they have found interesting on Scruff’s platform.


In conclusion, Scruff is a great dating app for those looking to find partners. Its design and usability are excellent with easy navigation, allowing users to quickly search for potential matches in their area. The safety and security features of the app ensure that all user data remains secure while also providing helpful tips on how to stay safe when meeting someone from the platform. Help and support are available 24/7 via email or phone if any issues arise during use of the service. Finally, user profile quality is generally good as it requires detailed information about each person before they can join which helps create an authentic atmosphere within the community itself. All in all, Scruff provides a reliable way for people seeking relationships or casual encounters alike – making it one of our top picks among other similar apps out there today!

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Author Evelyn King

Evelyn King is a passionate writer who specializes in exploring the many facets of love, sex, and dating. She is a firm believer in the power of self-love and believes that it is the key to finding true love and contentment. Evelyn brings an honest and creative approach to her writing style, which has helped her to become an acclaimed writer in her field. She is a frequent contributor to various online publications, and her articles have been featured in numerous magazines and websites. With her unique perspective and thoughtful insights, Evelyn hopes to help others find the love and companionship they are looking for.