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  • 1. Access to a large community of single parents
  • 2. Comprehensive profiles and compatibility matching system
  • 3. Easy-to-use messaging features
  • Limited pool of potential matches
  • No background checks on users
  • High cost for premium membership
  • Potential to be exposed to inappropriate content


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What You Need to Know about SingleParentMeet for Successful Online Dating


SingleParentMeet is an online dating platform designed to connect single parents with other like-minded individuals. Launched in 2002, the app has grown into one of the most popular and successful matchmaking services for single parents worldwide. SingleParentMeet boasts millions of active users across five countries: United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Ireland.

The app was created by People Media Inc., a subsidiary company owned by Match Group which also owns well-known apps such as Tinder and OkCupid. The primary goal behind creating this service was to provide a safe space where single mothers or fathers could find companionship without judgement or stigma attached to their status as unmarried parent(s). With its growing popularity among singles looking for meaningful relationships on their own terms it’s no surprise that more than two million members have already signed up!

SingleParentsMeet provides several features tailored specifically towards those raising children alone; from advice columns about parenting issues written by experts in the field all the way through offering assistance when planning dates around busy schedules – they offer something special for everyone who signs up! Additionally there are many fun activities available within your local area that can be found directly on site so you never miss out on anything happening near you while still having time set aside just for yourself every now & then too!

Best of all? It’s free (with some premium options) so anyone interested can signup quickly & easily using either Facebook account OR email address – whichever works best depending upon personal preference at any given moment… once registered simply fill out profile details including basic information plus add photos if desired before browsing profiles nearby searching compatible matches based off interests shared between both parties involved – simple yet effective process makes finding someone special even easier than ever before imagined possible today!!

For those wanting access via mobile device instead though don’t worry because yes indeed there IS an official iOS/Android version available via respective App Store platforms giving same great experience minus larger screen size needed usually associated with desktop computer usage only… So go ahead give it try today see what amazing connections await discovery tomorrow!!!

How Does SingleParentMeet Work?

SingleParentMeet is an app designed to help single parents find companionship and support. It has been developed with the needs of single parents in mind, providing a safe environment for them to meet other like-minded individuals. The key features of this app include user profiles, messaging capabilities, search filters that allow users to narrow down their potential matches by age or location preferences as well as many more options such as photo albums and profile videos.

Users can create a free account on SingleParentMeet which will enable them access all the features available on the platform including creating personalised profile pages where they can share information about themselves such as interests hobbies and lifestyle choices; uploading photos; viewing others’ profiles; sending messages via text chat or video calls depending upon availability of internet connection etcetera . There are also various advanced search filters which make it easier for users to find suitable partners based on their individual criteria – whether its age range , distance from current location , ethnicity / race etcetera .

The app boasts over 8 million registered members worldwide from countries like USA , Canada UK Australia New Zealand India South Africa Germany France Spain Italy Brazil Mexico Colombia Argentina Peru Chile Japan Russia China Philippines Vietnam Indonesia Thailand Malaysia Singapore Hong Kong Taiwan Pakistan Bangladesh Sri Lanka Nepal Kuwait Bahrain Qatar Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates Oman Yemen Jordan Lebanon Iraq Israel Egypt Sudan Morocco Algeria Tunisia Ghana Nigeria Kenya Ivory Coast Angola Cameroon Congo DR Zambia Uganda Tanzania Ethiopia Mauritius Madagascar Malawi Zimbabwe Namibia Botswana Lesotho Swaziland Mozambique Liberia Sierra Leone Gambia Guinea Bissau Equatorial Guinea Gabon Djibouti Eritrea Somalia Burundi Comoros Seychelles Mayotte Réunion Saint Helena Ascension Tristan da Cunha Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) Vatican City San Marino Monaco Liechtenstein Andorra Greenland Faroe Islands French Guiana Martinique Guadeloupe Guyana Suriname Aruba Curacao Barbados Bahamas Belize Costa Rica El Salvador Guatemala Honduras Nicaragua Panama Jamaica Dominican Republic Haiti Cuba Antigua & Barbuda St Kitts & Nevis Anguilla British Virgin Isl US Virgin Isl Turks & Caicos Cayman Isls Montserrat Sint Maarten Grenada Dominica St Lucia Trinidad Tobago thus making it one stop destination for global singles looking out for meaningful relationships!

In addition there are several safety measures taken by SingleParentMeet team so that only genuine people get connected here – these include manual review process conducted before approving any new member’s application ; strict guidelines against abusive language ; prompt customer service response time in case someone reports any suspicious activity/behaviour while using this platform et cetara ! This ensures complete peace of mind while connecting with strangers online through this website/app !

  • 1.Advanced Search: Allows users to search for potential matches based on specific criteria such as age, location, and interests.
  • 2. Match Suggestions: Provides personalized match suggestions based on user preferences and compatibility assessments.
  • 3. Private Messaging System: Enables users to privately communicate with other members in a secure environment without revealing personal contact information or email addresses.
  • 4. Live Chat Rooms & Forums: Offers real-time conversations between single parents looking for companionship or advice from peers in similar situations who understand the unique challenges of parenting alone .
  • 5.. Events Calendar : Keeps track of upcoming events specifically tailored towards single parents that may be interested in attending together like movie nights , picnics etc .
  • 6.. Parenting Resources Center : A comprehensive library of articles , videos , podcasts and more providing valuable tips about raising children solo .

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the SingleParentMeet app is a straightforward process. First, you need to provide your email address and create a password for your account. Then, you will be asked to fill out some basic information about yourself such as gender, age (you must be at least 18 years old), location and marital status. After that, you can upload photos of yourself or use one from Facebook if desired. Finally, after submitting all these details with an activation link sent via email confirmation by clicking it – You are ready to start dating! The app offers free registration but requires payment in order to access certain features like messaging other users directly or seeing who has viewed your profile recently etc..

  • 1.User must provide a valid email address
  • 2. User must create a unique username and password
  • 3. User must be 18 years of age or older
  • 4. Must agree to the Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy, and Safety Tips
  • 5. Provide basic information such as gender, location (city/state), date of birth
  • 6. Upload at least one profile photo that meets guidelines for content (no nudity)
  • 7 .Must answer questions about lifestyle habits such as smoking status, drinking status etc.. 8 .Verify account via mobile phone number

Design and Usability of SingleParentMeet

The SingleParentMeet app has a bright and modern design, with colors that make it easy to navigate. The user interface is intuitive and straightforward, allowing users to quickly find profiles of other people. With just a few clicks you can view photos, read bios or send messages. Usability wise the app is simple and efficient; all features are easily accessible from the main menu bar at the bottom of your screen. Purchasing a paid subscription gives access to additional UI improvements such as an ad-free experience which makes navigating even smoother than before!

User Profile Quality

SingleParentMeet is a dating site for single parents to meet and connect with other like-minded individuals. The quality of user profiles on the platform are quite good, as users have access to an array of features that allow them to create detailed personal descriptions about themselves. All profile information is public, so anyone can view your profile if they come across it in their search results or through mutual connections. You can also set up a custom bio section where you can provide more details about yourself such as interests and hobbies. There isn’t any "friends" feature but there are messaging options available between users who share common interests or backgrounds which helps facilitate conversations better than generic messages sent out by members without knowing anything else about each other beforehand..

When it comes to privacy settings, SingleParentMeet offers several different levels depending on how much you want revealed publicly versus privately shared only with certain contacts approved by the user himself/herself . They offer both Google and Facebook sign-in options for added security against fake accounts although some may still exist within the system itself since no website has 100% foolproof protection from these types of scams unfortunately . Location info in profiles does reveal city names but not exact addresses , however this data cannot be hidden completely due its importance when trying match people together based off distance proximity factors among others things too ..

Finally , those subscribed under premium membership plans do receive additional benefits such as higher visibility amongst potential matches compared non paying members plus exclusive discounts & promotions related directly towards online purchases made using associated credit cards linked into one’s account at time registration was completed initially …


SingleParentMeet is a dating website that caters to single parents. It has been around since 2002 and provides an online platform for people looking to meet other like-minded individuals who are also raising children on their own. The site offers several features, such as profile creation, messaging capabilities, photo galleries and more. Its main advantages include its ease of use; it’s free to join; users can create detailed profiles with photos; they have access to chat rooms where they can connect with potential matches in real time; the search function allows them narrow down results based on specific criteria (e.g., age range); and there are safety tips available so members feel secure when using the service. Some disadvantages may be that some users find it difficult or intimidating creating a profile due to lack of experience navigating websites or technology in general; not all areas have active user bases which makes finding someone close by challenging at times ;and many singles do not take advantage of the security measures provided by SingleParentMeet which could lead them into dangerous situations if caution isn’t taken .

In addition, SingleParentMeet also has an app version available for download from both Google Play Store and Apple App Store – this gives those who prefer mobile devices over desktop computers easier access while still providing similar features found within the website itself including searching for compatible partners near you via GPS tracking , instant messaging options , sending virtual gifts & winks etc.. However one disadvantage would be limited functionality compared against what’s offered through web browsers plus certain issues such as compatibility across different device models/operating systems might arise making usage less than ideal .

Safety & Security

SingleParentMeet takes app security very seriously and has implemented several measures to ensure that all users are safe. The verification process is quite rigorous, as the site requires new members to provide a valid email address or phone number in order for their accounts to be activated. This helps SingleParentMeet fight against bots and fake accounts by ensuring only real people can join the platform. Additionally, photos of users must pass through manual review before they become visible on other user’s profiles; this ensures that no inappropriate images are shared on the platform. Furthermore, two-factor authentication is available for added security when logging into an account from any device outside of your own personal computer or smartphone.

The privacy policy also states that SingleParentMeet does not share any information with third parties without prior consent from its members unless required by law enforcement agencies or court orders; additionally it promises never to sell member data under any circumstances whatsoever – meaning you can rest assured knowing your private information will remain secure at all times while using Single Parent Meet’s services

Pricing and Benefits

SingleParentMeet is a free app

SingleParentMeet is an online dating site and mobile application that caters to single parents. The app itself is completely free, so users can sign up for an account without having to pay any money upfront. They also have the option of upgrading their membership with additional features such as unlimited messaging, photo uploads, and profile customization options.

Benefits of Paid Subscription on Single Parent Meet

For those who are interested in getting more out of the service offered by SingleParentMeet there are several paid subscription plans available:

  • Premium Membership ($29/month): Includes access to all features including advanced search filters; ability to send messages directly from your phone; unlimited messaging capabilities; priority customer support services; plus discounts on other products or services related to single parenting.

  • Gold Membership ($49/month): All premium benefits plus exclusive offers like special events tailored specifically for members with children under 18 years old and early access invites into new product launches or promotions within the platform.

  • Platinum Membership ($99/month): All gold benefits plus even more exclusive offers like one-on-one coaching sessions from experienced professionals in various fields relevant for raising kids alone (i..e financial planning advice).

These prices may seem high but they’re actually quite competitive when compared against similar apps offering similar services – many charge twice as much! Furthermore these subscriptions come with no long term commitment meaning you can cancel at anytime if you decide it’s not worth it anymore without being locked into anything further down the line . Cancellation process is easy too – just log onto your account settings page and click “cancel” which will take effect immediately upon confirmation (no refunds though!). It should be noted however that while paying customers do get some extra perks , most people don’t really need them since basic functionality works well enough already anyway making this a great choice both financially wise & convenience wise ! Do users really need a paid subscription? That depends entirely on how serious they want their experience using this particular platform would be : if someone only wants casual connections then probably not ; but if looking something deeper than yes might make sense investing here . In conclusion , whether or not someone needs a paid subscription ultimately comes down personal preference & budget constraints–but either way signing up won’t cost anything initially so why not give it try ?

Help & Support

SingleParentMeet provides a variety of ways to access support. The first way is through their website, which has an extensive help page that covers all the topics related to using the service and answers frequently asked questions. This page also contains contact information for customer service representatives who can be reached via email or phone call if you have any additional inquiries or need more detailed assistance with your account. The response time from customer service staff varies depending on how busy they are but generally ranges between 24-48 hours after initial contact is made.

Another great resource SingleParentMeet offers its users is a community forum where members can post questions and receive advice from other single parents in similar situations as well as moderators who monitor activity on the site regularly and provide helpful feedback when needed. This allows users to get quick responses without having to wait for direct communication with customer services reps since many common issues have already been discussed by other members before them in this space!

Finally, there’s also an FAQ section available at SingleParentMeet that gives quick answers about commonly asked questions such as “How do I delete my profile?” or “What payment methods does Single Parent Meet accept?” These resources make it easy for anyone seeking support quickly without having to reach out directly every time something comes up – saving both parties valuable time while still providing quality assistance!


1. Is SingleParentMeet safe?

SingleParentMeet is a safe and secure dating site for single parents. The website has taken extra measures to ensure that all of its members are genuine, real people who are looking for meaningful relationships. All new profiles must be verified by the customer service team before they can become active on the site, so you know that any profile you view is legitimate. Additionally, SingleParentMeet offers several safety tips and advice on their website about how to stay safe when online dating as well as what information should not be shared with anyone else online or offline. They also have an extensive privacy policy in place which outlines exactly how your personal data will be used and stored securely within their system so you don’t need to worry about it being misused or stolen by third parties without your knowledge or consent

2. Is SingleParentMeet a real dating site with real users?

3. How to use SingleParentMeet app?

Using the SingleParentMeet app is a great way to connect with other single parents in your area. The app allows you to create an account and browse through profiles of other users, so that you can find someone who has similar interests as yourself. You can also use the chat feature on the app to get in touch with potential matches or just have friendly conversations about parenting and life experiences. Additionally, there are forums available for members where they can discuss topics related to being a single parent such as co-parenting tips, dating advice, financial help resources etc., which makes it easier for people going through similar situations to come together and support each other during difficult times. All these features make this platform incredibly helpful for those looking into finding meaningful connections while raising their children alone!

4. Is SingleParentMeet free?

SingleParentMeet is a free online dating site specifically designed for single parents who are looking to meet other like-minded individuals. The website offers many features and tools that make it easy for users to connect with each other, such as the ability to search profiles by age, location, interests or even ethnicity. Additionally, SingleParentMeet also provides chat rooms where members can talk in real time about parenting issues and share stories of their experiences as single parents. Other features include blogs written by experts on topics related to parenting; an advice column from experienced professionals; forums dedicated exclusively for single parent discussion; and a “success story” section highlighting how some couples have found love through the website’s services. All these features are available at no cost – making SingleParentMeet one of the most comprehensive free resources available today when it comes to connecting with others while being a parent!

5. Is SingleParentMeet working and can you find someone there?

SingleParentMeet is a dating website that caters to single parents looking for partners. It has been around since 2002 and it offers an easy-to-use platform with powerful search tools, detailed profiles, and messaging capabilities. The site also provides helpful advice on topics such as how to date safely online or how to handle the challenges of being a single parent. SingleParentMeet claims that its members are successful in finding someone special through their service; however, there is no guarantee of success when using any dating website so users should be aware of this before joining the site. Ultimately though, whether you can find someone through SingleParentMeet depends on your own efforts and luck – just like with any other form of dating!


SingleParentMeet is a great app for single parents who are looking to find partners for dating. It has an easy-to-use design and provides users with the ability to create detailed profiles that make it easier to match up with potential dates. The safety and security features of SingleParentMeet ensure that all user data is secure, while also providing helpful tools such as profile verification options so users can feel confident in their interactions on the platform. Additionally, help and support resources are available should any issues arise during use of the app.

Overall, SingleParentMeet offers an excellent experience when it comes to finding potential partners online through its well designed interface, robust security measures and helpful customer service team members. Its user profile quality could be improved upon by allowing more customization options or better search filters but overall this does not detract from what is otherwise a fantastic product offering reliable services specifically tailored towards single parent daters seeking love connections online!

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