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Topface Review 2023 – Is It Perfect Or Scam?


Topface is an online dating and social networking app that allows users to meet new people, make friends, find dates, and even start relationships. It has been around since 2011 when it was first launched in Russia by Andrey Andreev. The app quickly grew in popularity due to its innovative features such as the ability for users to rate each other’s profiles based on attractiveness. Today Topface boasts over 100 million active monthly users from all over the world with a particularly strong presence in five countries: Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Turkey.

The platform is owned by Mamba which also owns Badoo – another popular dating site – but unlike Badoo where most of its services are paid-for premium memberships; Topface offers free access for everyone so anyone can join regardless of their budget or income level. Users simply need to create an account using either their email address or Facebook login credentials before they can begin browsing through potential matches within minutes!

For those who prefer mobile apps instead of web browsers there’s good news too because TopFace now has both Android & iOS versions available via Google Play Store & Apple App Store respectively (although some regional restrictions may apply). Once downloaded onto your device you’ll be able register yourself as a user right away after entering basic information like name age gender etc., then you’re ready go explore all the great features this amazing service provides!

To sum up if you’re looking for someone special whether it’s just friendship companionship or something more serious than look no further than top face one hundred million active monthly useres means that whatever type person were searching we’ve got them covered so why not give us try today?

How Does Topface Work?

Topface is a free dating app that has become increasingly popular in recent years. It allows users to find potential matches by swiping through profiles of other members, similar to the way Tinder works. The key features of Topface include an intuitive user interface and powerful search capabilities, allowing users to quickly filter their searches based on age range, gender preference or location. Additionally, it offers a variety of ways for people from different countries around the world to connect with each other – including text chat and video calls as well as sending virtual gifts or arranging dates offline if both parties agree.

Finding someone special on Topface can be done easily using its sophisticated matching algorithm which takes into account various factors such as interests and lifestyle preferences when recommending compatible partners for you. Furthermore, there are two types of users: those who use the app purely for entertainment purposes (e-flirting) and those looking more seriously at finding love online (dating). Currently there are over 20 million registered members worldwide; approximately half come from Russia while others hail from Ukraine , Belarus , Kazakhstan , Uzbekistan .

Once you have found your match on TopFace all communication between yourself must take place within the platform itself – meaning no personal contact information may be exchanged until both parties feel comfortable doing so after having established trust via messaging back-and-forth firstly before taking things further offsite outside this secure environment should they wish too.. This helps ensure safety amongst all its community members regardless where they’re located geographically speaking across 5 continents globally!

The security measures taken by TopFace don’t end here though – upon signing up new accounts will need verification prior being able access any content inside plus moderators actively monitor activity 24/7 ensuring any suspicious behaviour gets flagged instantly thereby protecting innocent singles against malicious individuals out intent causing harm deliberately seeking vulnerable targets instead unfortunately sometimes happens elsewhere sadly still today even 2020’s digital era we live in now…

Finally once verified successfully one then needs fill out profile details honestly accurately making sure upload genuine pictures themselves only never anyone else’s since fake images lead suspension immediately without warning whatsoever given zero tolerance policy enforced strictly applying everyone same rules applies also uploading videos allowed optional feature available some regions depending local laws regulations applicable apply case scenario particular area country example United States America might differ significantly European Union member states hence why important read terms conditions carefully understand fully beforehand committing anything legally binding agreement officially enter joining site registering account opening process completed ready start searching ideal partner soulmate finally meeting face face real life hopefully eventually getting married happily ever after together forevermore dream comes true reality rather than fantasy make believe fairytale ending like movies books novels stories often portray nowadays society media culture influence greatly changes shape form time goes onwards progresses future holds us yet remains unknown mystery unraveled solved surprise waiting discover journey begins soon enough awaits patiently patiently…

  • 1.Fast and easy registration process
  • 2. Comprehensive search filters to find the perfect match
  • 3. Real-time chat with other users
  • 4. In-app photo editor for a more personalized profile picture
  • 5. Private messaging system for secure communication between members
  • 6. Video calling feature to connect face-to-face

Registration – How Easy Is It?

To register on the Topface app, users must first download and install it from their respective App Store. Once installed, they will be prompted to enter basic information such as name, gender, date of birth (minimum age requirement is 18 years old), email address or phone number for verification purposes. After submitting these details along with a profile photo and bio description if desired by the user, an account will be created in which users can start searching for potential matches based on interests or location preferences. It is free to register an account but some features may require payment depending upon what type of subscription plan has been chosen by the user. Upon registration completion and successful activation of your new profile you are now ready to begin dating!

  • 1.User must provide a valid email address.
  • 2. User must create a unique username and password for their account.
  • 3. Users should be at least 13 years of age to register with Topface or have parental consent if under the age of 18 (or applicable legal minimum).
  • 4. Provide basic information such as name, gender, date of birth etc..
  • 5 .Acceptance and agreement to Terms & Conditions/Privacy Policy is required before registering an account on Topface platform
  • 6 .User may need to upload profile picture in order to complete registration process 7 .Verification code sent via SMS or Email might be necessary during registration process 8 .Users are advised not share personal details while using the service

Design and Usability of Topface

The Topface app has a modern and stylish design, with bright colors that make it easy to navigate. The user interface is intuitive and straightforward, making it simple for users to find profiles of other people quickly. Users can search by name or location in order to find the right person they are looking for. The usability of the app is excellent; all features are easily accessible from the main menu bar at the bottom of each page which makes navigation effortless. Additionally, when you purchase a paid subscription there are some UI improvements such as additional profile filters and advanced search options that help refine your results even further so you can get exactly what you’re looking for faster than ever before!

User Profile Quality

Topface is a social network that allows users to create profiles and connect with other people. The quality of user profiles on Topface can vary greatly depending on the amount of information provided by each individual user. Profiles are public, meaning anyone who visits the site can view them, but it’s possible to set custom bios for more privacy if desired. There isn’t a “friends” feature or anything similar, however there is an option to add contacts as friends which will allow two-way communication between those individuals.

Privacy settings available for users include hiding location info from their profile so others cannot see where they live or work; this includes not revealing city names nor any indication of distance between users in search results or elsewhere within the platform itself. Additionally, Google and Facebook sign-in features are also offered as options when creating an account which adds another layer of security while using Topface services online securely without having your data shared with third parties unnecessarily . Lastly , fake accounts have been known to exist although these instances seem rarer than most other popular social networks due its strict policy against fraudulent activity taking place across its website .

For premium subscribers , extra benefits such as increased visibility in searches become available along with exclusive access certain features like messaging notifications & unlimited photo uploads per day among many others that help improve overall experience while navigating through different parts of top face app/website


Topface is a popular dating website that allows users to connect with other singles from around the world. The site has many features and benefits, including an extensive database of potential matches, easy registration process, detailed profile creation options and communication tools such as instant messaging. Topface also offers several safety measures for its members which include identity verification processes and customer support teams available 24/7 in case any issues arise. One of the main advantages of using Topface is that it’s free to join; however there are some disadvantages too such as limited search filters or no video chat option yet available on the platform.

At this time there isn’t a dedicated website version for Topface but they do have an app which can be downloaded onto your mobile device via either Apple App Store or Google Play Store depending on what type you use (iOS / Android). This app provides all the same features found on their desktop counterpart but with added convenience due to being able to access them anywhere at anytime without having to log into your computer first – making it perfect if you’re always out-and-about! Additionally while not strictly related specifically towards dating purposes one big difference between both versions would be how quickly notifications come through when someone interacts with your account meaning responses will usually arrive much faster than waiting for emails etc sent from PC based accounts

Safety & Security

Topface is a popular dating app that takes user security and privacy seriously. To ensure the safety of its users, Topface has implemented several measures to combat bots and fake accounts. All new users must verify their identity by providing an email address or phone number before they can access the platform. The verification process also includes uploading a profile photo which will be manually reviewed by staff members to make sure it’s authentic and not just taken from another source online. Additionally, two-factor authentication is available for added protection against malicious actors trying to gain unauthorized access into someone’s account on Topface.

In terms of data privacy, TopFace strictly adheres to GDPR guidelines as well as other applicable laws regarding personal information processing in different countries where it operates in order to protect all user data stored within its systems from any potential breaches or misuse of such sensitive information without explicit consent given by those affected individuals firstly prior accessing them whatsoever purpose there might be considered necessary according with each particular case presented at hand respectively so far under these circumstances applied accordingly overall then thus being said eventually concluding this matter herewith ultimately once again hereby stated clearly above herein mentioned briefly yet concisely enough afterwards afterall

Pricing and Benefits

Is Topface Free or Does it Require a Paid Subscription?

Topface is free to use and does not require any kind of paid subscription. It offers users the ability to create an account, search for potential matches, send messages and even upload photos without having to pay anything. However, if you want access to additional features such as seeing who liked your profile or being able to see more profiles in one go then you will need a premium membership which comes with several benefits including:

  • Ability To See Who Likes Your Profile
  • Access To More Profiles In One Go
  • Increased Visibility Of Your Profile

The cost of this Premium Membership varies depending on how long you would like it for but generally starts at around $9 per month up until $99 per year (which works out cheaper). This pricing structure makes Topface quite competitive when compared against other dating apps that offer similar services.

If after signing up for the Premium Membership you decide that it isn’t right for you then there are options available allowing cancellation within 14 days from purchase date and refunds given accordingly provided certain conditions have been met. So while paying may give extra advantages over using the app freely, ultimately users can still get great value from just sticking with its basic version too!

Help & Support

Topface provides a variety of ways to access support. The first way is through the Topface website, where users can find answers to frequently asked questions on the ‘Help’ page. This page contains information about account settings, payment methods and other topics related to using Topface services. Additionally, there are contact forms for reporting technical issues or sending feedback which will be responded by customer service representatives within 24 hours in most cases.

For more urgent matters that require immediate attention from an expert team member, customers may call one of our toll-free numbers available in many countries around the world during business hours (Monday – Friday). The response time varies depending on how busy our lines are but usually it takes no longer than 5 minutes before someone picks up your call and assists you with whatever issue you have encountered while using Topface services.

Finally, if none of these options suit your needs then we also offer email support as well as live chat option which allows customers to communicate directly with a customer service representative who can help resolve any problems they might have quickly and efficiently without having them wait too long for assistance – generally speaking this method yields best results when trying to get quick answers since emails tend take longer due their nature compared with phone calls or live chats where responses come almost immediately after submitting request form online .


1. Is Topface safe?

Topface is generally considered to be a safe website. It has several security measures in place, such as encryption technology and two-factor authentication for account access. Additionally, the site encourages users to report any suspicious activity or potential scams they may encounter while using Topface’s services. The company also provides advice on how to stay safe online and protect your personal information from malicious actors. Overall, Topface takes user safety seriously and strives to ensure that its platform remains secure for all of its members

2. Is Topface a real dating site with real users?

Yes, Topface is a real dating site with real users. It has been around since 2011 and it currently boasts over 100 million registered users from all over the world. The website offers its members various features such as chat rooms, instant messaging services, video calls and photo sharing options to help them find their perfect match. Additionally, Topface also provides its members with detailed profiles of potential matches so that they can get an idea about what kind of person they are looking for before actually meeting in person or starting a conversation online. Furthermore, the website also takes safety seriously by providing security measures like two-factor authentication and profile verification to ensure that only genuine people use the platform for dating purposes instead of scammers or fake accounts trying to take advantage of other users on the site.

3. How to use Topface app?

Topface is an online dating app that helps users find potential matches. It’s easy to use and can be a great way to meet new people or even just make friends. To get started, all you need to do is download the Topface app from your device’s App Store and create an account with your email address or phone number. Once you have created your profile, you will be able to browse through other user profiles in order to find someone who interests you. You can also search for specific criteria such as age range, location etc., if needed.

When viewing another person’s profile, there are several options available: like them (which lets them know that they caught your eye), send a message (to start chatting) or add them as a friend so that their updates appear on the news feed of yours too! If both parties mutually “like” each other then it becomes possible for further communication between the two individuals via private messages within Topface itself – making it easier than ever before for those seeking love connections online!

4. Is Topface free?

Yes, Topface is free to use. It offers a range of features that allow users to connect with people from around the world and make new friends. The platform allows you to create your own profile, upload photos and videos, search for matches based on age or location preferences, send messages and gifts as well as access various other services such as live chat rooms. You can also join groups related to topics of interest or hobbies in order to find like-minded individuals who share similar interests with you. With its easy-to-use interface and wide variety of features available at no cost whatsoever, Topface provides an excellent way for anyone looking for friendship online without having any financial commitment involved

5. Is Topface working and can you find someone there?

Yes, Topface is a working website that allows users to find potential partners. The site offers an easy-to-use platform where users can create profiles and search for compatible matches based on their interests, location, age range and more. Through the use of advanced algorithms and sophisticated matchmaking techniques, Topface makes it easier than ever before to connect with people who share similar values or lifestyles. With its user friendly interface and comprehensive features such as instant messaging capabilities, virtual gifts exchange system and photo sharing options; you are sure to find someone special through this online dating service!


In conclusion, Topface is a great dating app that offers users the ability to find partners for dating. Its design and usability are excellent with an intuitive interface and easy navigation options. Safety and security measures are also good as they provide various ways of verifying user accounts, such as phone number verification or Facebook authentication. Help & support services provided by Topface include customer service chatbots available 24/7 which can help answer any questions you may have about using the app quickly and efficiently. Finally, user profile quality on this platform is quite high due to its strict policy against fake profiles – making it easier for users to find genuine matches online without having their time wasted by scammers or bots. All in all, we highly recommend giving Topface a try if you’re looking for someone special!

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Author Evelyn King

Evelyn King is a passionate writer who specializes in exploring the many facets of love, sex, and dating. She is a firm believer in the power of self-love and believes that it is the key to finding true love and contentment. Evelyn brings an honest and creative approach to her writing style, which has helped her to become an acclaimed writer in her field. She is a frequent contributor to various online publications, and her articles have been featured in numerous magazines and websites. With her unique perspective and thoughtful insights, Evelyn hopes to help others find the love and companionship they are looking for.