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  • 2.Video chats to get to know people better
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TrueView 2023 Review: A Unique Dating Opportunity Or Just A Scam?


TrueView is a revolutionary social media platform that has taken the world by storm. It was launched in 2018 and since then, it has become one of the most popular apps on both iOS and Android platforms. The app provides users with an opportunity to connect with like-minded people from all over the globe, regardless of their age or background. TrueView’s mission is to provide its users with an authentic experience through meaningful connections made online without any bias or judgement based on gender, race, religion etc..

Who can you find on this app? On Trueview anyone who wants to make real friends can join – singles looking for love; parents wanting companionship; professionals seeking networking opportunities; students searching for mentorships – everyone! There are no restrictions when it comes to connecting via Trueview as long as they follow community guidelines set out by moderators which ensure safety & security at all times while using this platform.

How many active users are on TrueView and how it was launched? As of 2021 there were more than 20 million active monthly user base globally making up 1 billion matches per month across 5 countries (USA , UK , Canada , Australia & India). This figure continues growing rapidly each day due largely in part because true view offers features such as advanced search filters allowing members easy access into finding what they need quickly . Additionally their proprietary algorithm helps match compatible individuals together creating strong bonds between them leading towards forming genuine relationships whether platonic or romantic ones .

Who owns it and in what 5 countries is the most popular ? Truelove Inc., a privately held company founded by CEO Robert Smithson operates under parent company Social Media Solutions LLC currently ownes truewiew application available worldwide but mostly used within USA/UK/Canada/Australia /India where majority if its userbase resides accordingto recent statistics released earlier last year .

Is the App free To Use ? Yes ! All basic functions including profile creation messaging system alongwith other services provided come completely free however certain premium options may require payment depending upon individual requirements e g VIP membership upgrades additional storage space etc .. Does Truewiew have An App ? How Can A User Access It : Absolutely yes ! In fact just recently new version 2 0 got released featuring faster loading speeds improved UI design bug fixes plus much more providing better overall performance compared previous iteration Users simply download either android ios versions directly onto respective devices after registration process completed successfully once done start enjoying amazing benefits offered right away enjoy life changing experiences await those brave enough take plunge today go ahead give try won’t regret decision promise

How Does TrueView Work?

TrueView is a revolutionary new dating app that allows users to find potential matches based on their interests and values. With over 50 million registered users, TrueView has become one of the most popular apps for singles around the world. The key features of this app include its advanced search algorithm which enables you to quickly filter through profiles in order to find your perfect match; as well as its user-friendly interface which makes it easy for anyone regardless of technical ability or experience with online dating platforms.

Finding profiles on TrueView is simple – all you need do is enter some basic information such as age range, gender preference and location into the search bar at the top right corner of your screen before hitting ‘Search’. This will then bring up an array of results from across different countries including India, USA, UK & Canada amongst others so there are plenty opportunities available no matter where you live! There are two types if users – those who want casual relationships and those looking for something more serious like marriage – so whatever type relationship someone may be seeking they can easily find what they’re after here without any hassle whatsoever!

In addition to finding people by searching via these criteria mentioned above; another great feature about Trueview App is that it also offers personalized recommendations tailored specifically towards each individual’s preferences when creating their profile page upon signing up (which only takes a few minutes). This ensures everyone gets maximum exposure when browsing through other members’ pages while simultaneously making sure every single person finds exactly what they’re looking for within seconds due ease how efficient this system works! As far numbers go approximately 40% percent come from United States alone followed closely behind by 15% coming out China & 10 %from both India & Brazil respectively showing just how diverse yet interconnected our global community really can be thanks technology advancements made today!.

Finally last but not least one major benefit using true view compared many other similar services out there cost absolutely nothing use meaning even tightest budget still have access same quality experiences enjoyed wealthier counterparts giving them opportunity meet someone special too without having worry financial constraints getting way achieving happiness life deserve . All said done ,it clear why millions worldwide rely daily basis make connections form meaningful bonds create lasting memories future generations look back fondly remember start journey began very first swipe left/right !

  • 1.TrueView Ads are skippable video ads that appear before, during or after other videos on YouTube.
  • 2. Targeted to viewers based on their interests and demographics
  • 3. Ability to track conversions from the ad campaigns with Google Analytics
  • 4. Can be used for both branding and direct response objectives
  • 5. Video extensions allow users to click through directly from the ad into a website or landing page
  • 6. Reach people across devices including desktop, mobile web & in-app

Registration – How Easy Is It?

The registration process on the TrueView app is straightforward and simple. First, users will need to download the app from their device’s App Store or Play Store. Once downloaded, they can open it up and select ‘Sign Up’ which will take them through a series of steps including entering basic information such as name, email address and date of birth (the minimum age requirement for dating on this platform is 18). After submitting these details along with agreeing to the terms & conditions provided by TrueView, users are ready to start using all features available in-app.

Once registered successfully within seconds; user profiles become visible across millions of other singles that have already joined – allowing members to find matches quickly without any hassle! Additionally, if someone finds an interesting profile while browsing then they can simply send a message or connect via chat feature offered by TrueView – completely free! The best part about registering with this application is that there are no subscription fees required at any point during its usage so everyone has access regardless of budget constraints.

  • 1.All users must be at least 18 years of age.
  • 2. A valid email address is required for registration and account activation purposes.
  • 3. Users are required to provide a unique username that has not been used by another user on the platform before registering an account with TrueView
  • 4. Passwords must contain 8 or more characters, including one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one number/special character combination
  • 5 .Users should agree to the terms & conditions prior to completing their registration process
  • 6 .A valid phone number may be requested during sign-up in order to verify identity information provided by the user 7 .TrueView reserves the right to request additional documentation such as government issued identification documents if needed for verification purposes 8 .All registered accounts will require confirmation via email link sent upon completion of initial registration

Design and Usability of TrueView

The TrueView app has a modern design with vibrant colors that are pleasing to the eye. The user interface is intuitive and easy to navigate, making it simple for users to find profiles of other people quickly. Usability wise, the app functions well; features such as swiping left or right on potential matches makes using the platform enjoyable and straightforward. With a paid subscription you can unlock additional UI improvements like being able to see who liked your profile without having them match first – giving more control over who you interact with in real-time.

User Profile Quality

Paragraph 1: TrueView profiles are public, meaning anyone can view them. Users have the ability to set a custom bio and add photos or videos of themselves. There is also a “friends” feature which allows users to connect with each other and see what their friends are up to on the platform. Privacy settings allow users control over who sees their profile information such as age, gender, location etc., though there is no Google or Facebook sign-in option available yet so fake accounts may be an issue for some people.

Paragraph 2: Location info in user profiles can reveal city names but not exact addresses unless specified by the user when setting up their account; however it does give an indication of how far away two people might be from one another if they both choose to display this information publicly on their profile page. For those looking for more privacy options there is always the option of hiding your location info altogether should you wish too do so without sacrificing any features that come with having your location displayed openly in your profile page either way its entirely down personal preference whether you decide show off where exactly you live or keep it hidden completely from everyone else using TrueView .

Paragraph 3: Premium subscriptions offer additional benefits like access exclusive content , priority support services plus discounts on certain products & services all depending upon which subscription package best suits individual needs . On top of these perks premium subscribers will get higher quality visibility within search results making it easier for others find & interact with them compared someone who has chosen remain anonymous by keeping most (if not all) personal details private including name , address & even geographical locations therefore giving members extra incentive upgrade membership level order gain better overall experience while still maintaining complete anonymity at same time if desired


TrueView is a popular dating app that allows users to connect with potential matches in their area. The app offers features such as profile creation, messaging, and the ability to view other user’s profiles. While TrueView does not currently have an associated website for its users, it still provides many of the same benefits as if it did. Users can access all of the same features they would find on a website version directly from their mobile device or tablet. This makes finding love easier than ever before!

The main advantage of using TrueView instead of another dating site or app is convenience; you don’t need to be tied down by your computer when searching for someone special – just open up your phone and start swiping away! Additionally, since there’s no web-based platform involved here, security measures are taken more seriously which helps keep scammers at bay while providing peace-of-mind for those looking for genuine connections online. On top of this, setting up an account takes only minutes so getting started couldn’t be simpler either! The downside however is that without having a dedicated website version available some people may feel less secure about signing up due to lack information regarding how exactly data will be stored and used etc., but these concerns should quickly dissipate once one begins using the service itself given its track record thus far in terms being reliable & trustworthy among its millions+ active members worldwide today..

Safety & Security

TrueView is a social media platform that places emphasis on user security. It has implemented several measures to ensure the safety of its users and their data, such as two-factor authentication, verification methods for users, manual photo reviews by moderators or AI systems, and an extensive privacy policy. Two-factor authentication helps TrueView verify the identity of each user before they can access their account information. This extra layer of protection makes it difficult for hackers to gain unauthorized access into accounts because they must have both pieces of identifying information in order to do so. Additionally, all photos are manually reviewed by either human moderators or AI systems in order to detect any inappropriate content before it goes live on the app’s servers. The privacy policy at TrueView is comprehensive; it covers topics ranging from how personal data will be collected and used up until when this data will be deleted after termination with no exception whatsoever – even if requested directly from law enforcement agencies unless legally required otherwise – making sure that your private life remains just that: yours!

Pricing and Benefits

Is TrueView Free or Does it Require a Paid Subscription?

TrueView is an app that provides users with personalized video recommendations. It offers both free and paid subscription options, so users can choose the one that best fits their needs.

Benefits of Getting a Paid Subscription on TrueView:

  • Access to exclusive content not available in the free version – Unlimited access to all videos without ads or commercials – Ability to save favorite shows for later viewing  – Create custom playlists based on your interests     – Receive personalized recommendations tailored just for you                                         
                                                     Price: $9.99/month (or $59.99/year)

The price of the paid subscription is competitive when compared with other streaming services such as Netflix and Hulu Plus which cost around 10 dollars per month as well . Users also have the option of cancelling at any time, although refunds are only given if cancellation occurs within 14 days after purchase .            Cancellation Process : Go into Settings > Manage Account > Cancel Plan , then follow instructions from there . Refunds will be issued according to terms & conditions outlined by Apple App Store / Google Play store depending where you purchased your plan from originally . Do I Need A Paid Subscription On Trueview ? That depends entirely upon what kind of user experience you’re looking for ; while some may find value in having unlimited access & customization features offered through premium plans , others might prefer sticking with basic functions provided via free versions

Help & Support

TrueView provides a variety of support options for users. The first way to access help is through the TrueView Support page, which can be found on their website. This page offers information about frequently asked questions and general troubleshooting tips that may provide an immediate solution to your issue without needing additional assistance from customer service representatives.

If you need further assistance or have more specific inquiries, customers are able to contact TrueView’s customer service team via email or telephone call during regular business hours (Monday-Friday 9am – 5pm EST). Response times vary depending on the complexity of each inquiry but generally speaking most emails receive a response within 24 hours while phone calls will usually be answered immediately by one of our friendly agents who will do their best to assist with any issues you might have.

For those looking for quick answers regarding commonly asked questions, there is also an FAQ section available directly from the main support page which contains helpful articles and solutions related to various topics such as account setup & management, payment methods & billing inquiries etc., so make sure you check this out before reaching out if possible!


1. Is TrueView safe?

Yes, TrueView is a safe platform. It has been developed with security in mind and uses industry-standard encryption to protect user data from unauthorized access. The service also includes two-factor authentication which adds an extra layer of protection for users’ accounts. Additionally, the company takes proactive measures such as regularly scanning its systems for vulnerabilities and updating software to ensure that any potential threats are addressed quickly and effectively. All of these steps make it difficult for malicious actors to gain access or cause harm on the platform, making it one of the safest online services available today

2. Is TrueView a real dating site with real users?

TrueView is a real dating site with real users. It has been around since 2014 and offers its members the opportunity to meet people in their area who share similar interests, values, and goals. The platform allows you to create an account for free where you can search through other user profiles or use advanced filters like age range, location radius etc., so that it’s easier for you to find someone compatible with your lifestyle. TrueView also provides safety tips on how best to protect yourself when using online dating sites as well as offering advice from experts about creating successful relationships.

3. How to use TrueView app?

TrueView is an app that allows users to quickly and easily create stunning videos from their mobile devices. With TrueView, you can take your photos and videos, add music or voice-overs, edit them with filters and text overlays, then share the finished product on social media platforms like YouTube or Facebook. The process of creating a video using TrueView is simple: first select the photos/videos you want to use in your project; next choose any background music or audio track for your video; finally apply special effects such as transitions between clips and other visual elements before saving it as a movie file. Once saved, simply upload it directly to YouTube (or another platform) from within the app itself!

The great thing about Trueview is its intuitive user interface which makes editing easy even for beginners who have never created a video before. Additionally there are plenty of options available when customizing each clip including trimming down footage length adding subtitles adjusting brightness levels etc all accessible through an organized menu system making sure that anyone regardless of experience level can get creative with their projects in no time at all!

4. Is TrueView free?

Yes, TrueView is free to use. It is an online video platform that allows users to create and share videos with their friends, family members, and followers on social media sites like YouTube or Facebook. The service also offers a variety of tools for creating high-quality videos such as editing options and the ability to add music or sound effects. Additionally, it provides analytics so you can track how your content performs over time. With all these features available at no cost whatsoever, TrueView makes it easy for anyone to get started making engaging content quickly without any upfront costs involved!

5. Is TrueView working and can you find someone there?

Yes, TrueView is working and it is possible to find someone there. The platform provides users with the ability to connect with potential matches based on shared interests, values, and goals. It also allows for an easy way of finding compatible people in your area or around the world by using its advanced search filters. Users can also take advantage of their powerful matchmaking algorithm which uses a variety of factors such as age range, location preferences and lifestyle choices when searching for suitable partners. Furthermore, TrueView offers helpful features like messaging tools that make communication between members simple yet secure so they can get to know each other better before taking things further offline if desired.


To conclude, TrueView is a great app for finding partners for dating. It has an easy-to-use design and intuitive usability that make it simple to navigate the app. The safety and security of users are also top priorities as all profiles are verified by moderators before being published on the platform. Help and support from customer service staff is available 24/7 via email or live chat if any issues arise during use of the app. Finally, user profile quality appears to be high with detailed information about each person’s interests provided in their bios so you can get a better understanding of who they really are before deciding whether to start chatting or not! All in all, TrueView offers an enjoyable experience when looking for someone special online – giving it our seal of approval!

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Author Benjamin Adams

Benjamin Adams is an experienced dating expert who has been helping people find love for over 10 years. He is a contributing writer for various dating websites and apps, writing reviews and providing insight on the latest trends in the dating world. He is also an advocate for online safety, providing helpful tips and advice to keep people safe while dating online. Benjamin has a passion for helping people find the right match and making sure they have the best possible experience. He is dedicated to helping others find love, and his reviews and advice reflect this.