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WooPlus 2023 Review: A Unique Dating Opportunity Or Just A Scam?


WooPlus is a revolutionary dating app that caters to plus-sized singles. It was launched in 2015 with the goal of creating an inclusive and body positive space for people who don’t fit into traditional beauty standards. The platform has grown rapidly since then, becoming one of the most popular online dating apps among users from all over the world.

The main focus of WooPlus is on providing its members with a safe environment where they can find meaningful connections without worrying about judgment or ridicule due to their size or shape. This makes it ideal for anyone looking for love regardless of their physical appearance, gender identity, age group or sexual orientation – something that sets it apart from other similar services available today.

As far as user numbers go, there are currently more than 3 million active monthly users on WooPlus across five countries: USA, UK Australia Canada and New Zealand – making this one of the largest communities dedicated exclusively to curvy individuals out there! Moreover; thanks to its popularity amongst millennials especially women between 18-34 years old; new registrations keep growing every day at an impressive rate!

As you would expect from any modern digital service nowadays; signing up on WooPlus couldn’t be easier either! All you need do is download the free mobile application (available both in iOS & Android) fill out your profile information including some basic details such as location preferences etc.; upload photos if desired and start browsing potential matches right away ! Once registered ,you’ll have access not only too all profiles but also several features like chat rooms ; live streaming video chats ; virtual gifts etc which make finding true love even simpler . So why wait ? Give yourself chance by downloading now & begin your journey towards happily ever after

How Does WooPlus Work?

WooPlus is a revolutionary dating app that has been designed to help plus-sized singles find love and companionship. It features an intuitive user interface, advanced search filters, and secure messaging system. The app allows users to create detailed profiles with photos, interests, hobbies and more; so they can easily connect with like-minded people in their area or from around the world. With over 10 million active members across five countries – USA, UK , Canada , Australia & India – WooPlus offers a safe space for plus size singles of all ages to meet new friends or potential partners without judgement or discrimination .

Finding compatible matches on WooPlus is easy thanks to its powerful matchmaking algorithm which takes into account your profile information as well as location preferences when suggesting possible connections. You can also use the ‘Discover’ feature which shows you other local users who are nearby based on age range preference settings set by each individual user themselves. Furthermore if you want something even more specific then there’s always ‘Search’ where you can filter results using criteria such as gender identity/sexual orientation/ethnicity etc., giving everyone access to finding exactly what they’re looking for no matter how niche it may be!

The main focus of this app however lies within creating an inclusive community atmosphere where individuals feel comfortable enough expressing themselves freely without fear of being judged due criticism about body type – because at Woo Plus we believe beauty comes in all shapes sizes! To ensure this remains true every single day moderators actively monitor conversations between members making sure any inappropriate behaviour isn’t tolerated whatsoever allowing us guarantee safety security throughout our platform too .

Another great thing about the application itself is that unlike many traditional dating apps out there it doesn’t require any payment upfront instead opting go down freemium route offering basic services free charge whilst charging premium rates additional exclusive features like private chat rooms unlimited swipes video calls live streaming etc.. So regardless budget anyone able take advantage unique opportunities available through service get most bang buck !

Finally just wanted mention fact team behind constantly working improve update make experience better better providing best support customer care need should ever arise … Because afterall here really only one goal mind: helping big beautiful hearts find love happiness deserve !

  • 1.Curated Community: WooPlus provides a safe and supportive community for plus-size singles to connect, share experiences, and find meaningful relationships.
  • 2. Comprehensive Matching System: With an advanced matching algorithm based on interests, lifestyle preferences, physical characteristics and more – users can easily search through profiles of potential matches with just the swipe of their finger.
  • 3. Verified Profiles: All user profiles are verified by real people before being approved onto the platform to ensure that only genuine individuals join our community.
  • 4. Personalized Suggestions & Matches: Our personalized matchmaking system takes into account your individual needs in order to suggest compatible partners who you’re most likely to hit it off with!
  • 5 . Privacy Protection : We take privacy seriously at WooPlus which is why we have implemented robust security measures such as two-factor authentication (2FA) for all accounts along with data encryption technology so you know your information is secure when using our service .
  • 6 . Dedicated Support Team : Whether its technical issues or general questions about how things work , we provide 24/7 customer support from a team dedicated solely towards helping out members whenever they need it !

Registration – How Easy Is It?

The registration process on the WooPlus app is simple and straightforward. To begin, users must download the app from either Google Play or Apple App Store. After downloading it, they can start creating their profile by entering basic information such as name, age (minimum required age to register is 18 years old), gender identity and orientation preferences. They also need to upload a photo of themselves for verification purposes before submitting their details. Once all this has been completed successfully, users will be able to access all features available in the application including setting up search filters according to personal preference like location or interests; swiping through profiles; sending messages etc., making it easier for them find potential matches that meet their criteria quickly and efficiently without any hassle . It’s free of charge so anyone interested in dating can sign up right away!

  • 1.A valid email address
  • 2. A username and password
  • 3. Date of birth
  • 4. Gender identity (optional)
  • 5. Physical characteristics such as height, weight, body type (optional)
  • 6. Profile photo uploads or links to existing photos on social media sites like Facebook or Instagram
  • 7. Verification code sent via text message for account activation/confirmation 8 . Acceptance of Terms & Conditions

Design and Usability of WooPlus

The WooPlus app has a bright and vibrant design, with bold colors that draw attention. The user interface is intuitive and easy to navigate, making it simple for users to find what they need quickly. Profile pages are well organized and easily searchable by gender or location so you can find other people in your area. Usability of the app is great; all features are clearly labeled on the main page which makes them accessible from anywhere within the application. With a paid subscription there may be some UI improvements such as additional profile customization options but overall usability remains unchanged regardless of payment status

User Profile Quality

Paragraph 1: WooPlus is a dating app that focuses on curvy singles. The profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone who has the app, making it easy to find potential matches. Users have the option of setting up a custom bio which allows them to provide more information about themselves for others to see. There is also an “interests” feature where users can list their hobbies and interests in order to better connect with other members on the platform.

Paragraph 2: Privacy settings are available so that users can control how much personal information they share with others on WooPlus, including location info such as city or distance between two people. A Google or Facebook sign-in feature makes it easier for new members to join without having any extra steps involved in creating an account from scratch but there may still be some fake accounts present due caution should always be taken when engaging with someone online regardless of whether you know them personally or not .

Paragraph 3: Profiles with premium subscriptions will often get more attention than those without since they appear higher up in search results and come across as being more serious about finding love through this service comparedto free ones.. This gives these individuals access exclusive features like unlimited messaging options, profile boosting capabilities among many other benefits which could make all the difference when trying ot stand out fromt he crowd!


WooPlus is a dating app that has become popular for its unique approach to connecting people. The app focuses on creating an inclusive environment where users can find their perfect match regardless of size, gender identity or sexual orientation. It offers various features such as profile creation, photo uploads and messaging capabilities. One of the main advantages of WooPlus is its user-friendly interface which makes it easy to navigate and use even for those who are not tech savvy. Additionally, the site also provides detailed profiles with plenty of information about potential matches so you can make informed decisions when choosing someone to date or connect with online.

The major disadvantage associated with WooPlus is that there isn’t currently a website version available at this time – only an application format exists in order to access all services offered by the platform . This means if you don’t have a smartphone device then using Wooplus would be difficult since it’s primarily designed for mobile devices rather than desktop computers/laptops . Furthermore , some may prefer having more control over how they interact on sites like these compared to apps due lack privacy settings being limited within applications . As such , having both options could potentially increase user satisfaction levels overall but unfortunately right now only one option remains viable: downloading & using the App itself

Safety & Security

WooPlus is committed to providing a secure and safe environment for its users. To ensure this, they have implemented various security measures such as user verification methods, anti-bot technology and manual photo reviews. All new members are required to verify their accounts with an email address or phone number before accessing the app’s features. Additionally, WooPlus has also adopted two-factor authentication which requires both your password and a one time code sent via SMS in order to access your account securely.

In terms of privacy policy, WooPlus ensures that all personal data collected from users will be kept confidential at all times; only authorized personnel can access it under strict confidentiality agreements while using advanced encryption technologies like SSL/TLS protocol when transmitting sensitive information over the internet connection between devices. Furthermore, no third party services are allowed without explicit consent from each individual user so you can rest assured knowing that your private data is protected by top notch security standards on WooPlus platform

Pricing and Benefits

Is a Paid Subscription Necessary on WooPlus?

WooPlus is an app that connects plus-sized singles for dating and friendship. It’s free to download, create a profile, search for matches, and send winks or messages. But the question remains: do users really need to pay for a subscription in order to get the most out of this platform? The answer depends largely on what you’re looking for from your experience with WooPlus. If you just want access to basic features like creating profiles and searching through other members’ profiles without any restrictions then there is no need whatsoever – all these functions are available completely free of charge! However if you’d like more advanced options such as unlimited messaging capabilities or exclusive match recommendations then it may be worth considering investing in one of their paid subscriptions plans.

Benefits Of A Paid Subscription On WooPlus

A paid subscription unlocks several additional benefits which can help enhance your overall user experience with this app:

  • Unlimited Messaging – Send unlimited messages instead of being limited by how many “free” ones per day/week/month etc., depending on plan chosen; * Exclusive Match Recommendations – Get tailored suggestions based off interests & preferences set within account settings; * Access To Advanced Search Filters – Narrow down potential partners even further using specific criteria (e.g location); * Ad Free Experience – Enjoy uninterrupted use without pesky ads popping up every few minutes!

Prices And Refunds For The App

The prices vary depending upon length of time purchased but generally range between $9-$25 USD per month (or equivalent). This makes them quite competitive compared against similar apps offering comparable services at slightly higher rates so it could definitely be worthwhile checking out before making any decisions about whether paying would benefit your particular situation better than sticking with just using the standard version offered freely across platforms including iOS & Android devices alike!. As far as refunds go they offer 30 days money back guarantee should customers not find satisfaction after purchase so long as cancellation request was made prior expiration date associated given membership period purchased initially .

Conclusion In conclusion while having access too some extra perks might sound appealing when deciding whether getting premium package from wooplus necessary ultimately comes down individual needs wants desires expectations budget constraints etc.. Ultimately only person themselves know best course action take when weighing pros cons different options make sure consider everything carefully decide accordingly since cancelling refunding process relatively straightforward event change mind later anyway!.

Help & Support

WooPlus is a social media platform that provides support for its users. There are several ways to access this help, depending on the nature of your query or issue.

The first way to get assistance from WooPlus is through their website’s Support page. Here you can find answers to commonly asked questions and solutions for technical issues such as account recovery, payment problems, etc., all in one place. Additionally, if you need more detailed information about a specific topic or have an urgent question not covered by the FAQs section then there’s also an option to contact customer service via email directly with your inquiry – they typically respond within 24 hours of receiving it so you should expect quick results here too!

Finally, if neither of these options works out for whatever reason then there’s always the possibility of calling WooPlus’ customer service line where trained professionals will be able to assist further with any queries related specifically tailored towards resolving user-specific concerns – response times vary but usually range between 30 minutes and 1 hour maximum (depending on call volume). This phone number can be found at the bottom right corner when visiting their official website homepage too which makes it easy enough even without having prior knowledge beforehand!

Overall therefore accessing support from WooPlus shouldn’t pose much difficulty regardless whether needing immediate attention or just looking up general info; either way users should rest assured knowing that quality help & advice awaits them no matter what kind aid needed in order keep enjoying their experience online hassle free each time logging onto this wonderful platform alike!


1. Is WooPlus safe?

Yes, WooPlus is a safe platform for online dating. The app has been designed with safety in mind and takes measures to ensure that all users are protected from potential harm or harassment. All profiles must be verified before they can interact with other members, and the team behind WooPlus also monitors user activity on the site to make sure everyone is behaving appropriately. In addition, there are several features available within the app such as “Safe Mode” which allows you to limit who can contact you based on age or location so that only those people whom you feel comfortable interacting with will have access to your profile information. Finally, if any suspicious behavior does occur while using this service then it’s possible for users report it directly through their account settings page where an investigation will take place immediately by a dedicated customer support team member who will work hard at resolving any issues quickly and efficiently without compromising anyone’s privacy or security in anyway whatsoever

2. Is WooPlus a real dating site with real users?

Yes, WooPlus is a real dating site with real users. It was launched in 2015 and has since become one of the most popular online dating sites for plus-sized singles. The platform caters to people who identify as big beautiful women (BBW), big handsome men (BHM) or anyone else who may feel more comfortable on an app that celebrates body positivity and self-love. On WooPlus, you can find matches based on your interests, hobbies and values; chat with other members; join interest groups; attend virtual events hosted by the app’s community managers – all from within a safe space designed specifically for those looking to date outside of traditional beauty standards. With its growing user base across multiple countries around the world, it’s clear that this isn’t just another passing fad – but rather an established digital destination where likeminded individuals come together to connect over shared experiences!

3. How to use WooPlus app?

Using the WooPlus app is easy and straightforward. To get started, simply download the app from your device’s respective App Store (Google Play or Apple App Store). Once you have downloaded it, open up the app and create an account with a valid email address. After creating your account, fill out all of your profile information such as age range preferences, interests etc., to make sure that you are matched with people who share similar interests as yourself.

Once this is done you can start browsing through other users’ profiles in order to find potential matches for yourself by swiping left or right on their photos depending on whether they appeal to you or not respectively. You can also search for specific criteria if needed using filters available within the app itself which makes finding someone easier than ever before! If two people mutually like each other then they will be able match and begin messaging one another directly via chat window provided within WooPlus application itself!

4. Is WooPlus free?

Yes, WooPlus is free to use. It offers a variety of features that allow users to connect with each other in meaningful ways without having to pay any money. The app allows you to create your own profile and search for potential matches based on shared interests or location. You can also browse through the profiles of others and send messages if you find someone interesting enough. Additionally, there are various chat rooms available where people can interact with one another in real-time conversations as well as participate in group activities such as virtual events or online games together!

5. Is WooPlus working and can you find someone there?

Yes, WooPlus is working and it is possible to find someone there. The app was created as a safe space for plus-sized singles to meet one another in an environment that celebrates body positivity. It offers features such as profile creation, messaging, searching by interests or location, photo sharing and more. Through these features users can connect with people who share similar interests or live nearby them so they can get together in person if they choose to do so. WooPlus also has safety measures in place like requiring all members verify their accounts before being able to interact with other users on the platform which helps ensure only real people are using the service and keeps everyone safer while dating online


In conclusion, WooPlus is a great dating app for plus-sized people who are looking to find partners. It has an easy-to-use design and interface that makes it simple to use even for first time users. The safety and security features of the app ensure that all users have a safe experience while using the platform. Furthermore, its help and support team provides quick responses when needed which adds to user satisfaction with this service. Finally, WooPlus’s user profile quality is excellent as profiles contain detailed information about each person so potential matches can get accurate insights into their personalities before deciding if they want to connect or not. All in all, WooPlus offers an enjoyable experience with no major drawbacks making it one of the best apps available on today’s market for finding dates online safely!

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Author Evelyn King

Evelyn King is a passionate writer who specializes in exploring the many facets of love, sex, and dating. She is a firm believer in the power of self-love and believes that it is the key to finding true love and contentment. Evelyn brings an honest and creative approach to her writing style, which has helped her to become an acclaimed writer in her field. She is a frequent contributor to various online publications, and her articles have been featured in numerous magazines and websites. With her unique perspective and thoughtful insights, Evelyn hopes to help others find the love and companionship they are looking for.