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  • 1. Large user base
  • 2. Comprehensive search filters
  • 3. Easy to use interface
  • 1. Limited user base
  • 2. Lack of features compared to other dating apps
  • 3. Not available in all countries
  • 4. May be difficult for non-vegans/vegetarians to find compatible matches


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    Hardly ever
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Veggly: Reviewing the Popular Online Dating Platform


Veggly is an innovative dating app that has revolutionized the way vegans and vegetarians meet. Launched in 2018, Veggly quickly became one of the most popular vegan-friendly apps on the market with over 500,000 active users worldwide. It was created by a team of passionate developers who wanted to make it easier for people following plant-based diets to find love online.

The target audience for this platform are those looking for relationships with other vegans or vegetarians – both romantic and platonic ones – as well as anyone interested in learning more about living a cruelty free lifestyle. The app offers several features such as advanced search filters (by age, location etc.), private messaging options and even icebreaker questions designed specifically for its members so they can start conversations easily without feeling awkward or embarrassed about their dietary choices.

It’s currently available in 5 countries: USA, UK, Canada Australia & New Zealand – where it enjoys considerable popularity among single herbivores looking to connect with likeminded individuals from all around the world! And best of all? It’s completely free! You just need an email address to register your account; after which you will be able to access everything Veggly has on offer via either web browser version or mobile application depending on what device you use (Android/iOS).

So if you’re someone who follows a plant based diet but feel like there aren’t enough potential partners out there then why not give Veggly try today? Who knows – maybe your soulmate is already waiting right here?!

How Does Veggly Work?

Veggly is a revolutionary new app that has revolutionized the way vegans and vegetarians meet. It provides users with an easy-to-use platform to connect, share stories, and find likeminded individuals who share their lifestyle choices. The key features of Veggly include detailed profiles for each user which can be used to search by location or interests; direct messaging between members; as well as a forum section where conversations on veganism/vegetarianism can take place.

The process of finding other users on Veggly is simple – simply enter your desired criteria such as age range, gender identity, dietary preferences etc., then you will receive tailored results based off these parameters. There are two types of users available – ‘Vegans’ and ‘Vegetarians’ – so it’s important to make sure you select the correct one when searching for potential matches! As far as numbers go there are currently over 5 million registered Vegans from countries all around the world including USA (2 million), UK (1 million), Germany (500k) France (400k) & India(200K).

Once you have found someone who fits your criteria through using this feature they will appear in your list view along with their profile information such photos if provided by them , bio description , likes / dislikes . You may also use various filters within this list view in order narrow down further still according to any additional factors e.g city/region distance away etc . In addition some extra options become available once inside another person’s profile page allowing either party involved access too more details about one another before deciding whether or not contact should be made .

On top of being able search via personal preference there is also an option within the app called ‘Discover’ which allows its members explore what others have posted recently regarding food recipes / events happening near them even articles related directly towards Vegan lifestyles ! This tool serves both purposeful informative but also fun enabling people get creative show support those interested topics alike without having feel obligated start relationship right away ..

Finally once connection been established between two parties communication begins taking form private messages sent back forth across application until eventually meeting up real life could occur depending upon how comfortable both sides feel situation course at time writing … All above considered though regardless end goal aim remains same: create environment helps foster relationships amongst fellow vegans Vegetarians easier than ever before possible thanks help innovative technology brought us today – namely VEGGLY APP !!

  • 1.Comprehensive search filters: Veggly allows users to filter their searches by dietary preferences, ingredients, cuisine type and more.
  • 2. Meal planning tools: Easily plan meals for the week with helpful meal ideas and recipes tailored to your individual needs.
  • 3. Recipe sharing platform: Share your favorite vegan dishes with friends or find new ones on Veggly’s recipe sharing platform!
  • 4. Restaurant locator tool: Find nearby restaurants that offer vegan options quickly and easily using our restaurant locator feature!
  • 5 . Shopping list generator : Generate shopping lists based on what you need for upcoming meals so you never forget an ingredient again !
  • 6 . Nutrition tracker : Track calories , macronutrients , vitamins & minerals in all of the food items that you eat throughout the day !

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the Veggly app is a simple process. First, users must download the app and create an account by providing their email address or connecting with Facebook. Then they will be asked to fill out basic information such as age, gender identity, location and preferences for dating partners. After submitting these details, users can begin searching for potential matches based on their criteria and start chatting with them through the messaging feature of the app. The minimum required age to join Veggly is 18 years old; however there are no restrictions in terms of sexual orientation or gender identity so anyone who identifies as LGBTQ+ can use it too! Registration itself is free but if you want access to additional features like seeing who has liked your profile then you’ll need to upgrade your membership plan which comes at a cost.

  • 1.User must provide a valid email address.
  • 2. Users must create a secure password that meets Veggly’s security requirements.
  • 3. Users must agree to the terms and conditions of use for Veggly before registering an account with them
  • 4. All users will be required to confirm their identity by providing personal information such as name, age, gender etc., which is necessary for verification purposes
  • 5 .Users should accept all notifications from veggly in order to receive updates on new products or services offered by the company
  • 6 .All users are expected to follow proper etiquette while using veggelly’s platform (e..g no offensive language) 7 .Veggy requires its customers/users not share any sensitive information like credit card details when creating an account with them 8 .Users have access only after they have completed registration process successfully

Design and Usability of Veggly

The Veggly app has a bright and vibrant design, with colors like green, yellow and pink. The interface is user-friendly and easy to navigate through the various sections of the app. You can easily find profiles of other people by using filters such as age range or location. It’s also simple to customize your own profile so that you can stand out from others in search results.

Usability wise, it’s straightforward to use Veggly – all functions are clearly labeled for users’ convenience which makes navigation very intuitive even for first time users who have never used dating apps before. With a paid subscription there are additional features available such as unlimited messaging capabilities; however no major UI improvements come along with this purchase option compared to the free version of the app

User Profile Quality

User profile quality on Veggly is generally quite good. Profiles are public, meaning anyone can view them, and users have the option to set a custom bio if they wish. There is also a “friends” feature which allows users to connect with each other in an easy way. Privacy settings are available for all profiles; there is no Google or Facebook sign-in feature but it does provide some protection against fake accounts by verifying user emails before allowing access to certain features of the site such as messaging others. Location info within profiles includes city names only and does not reveal any exact addresses – this makes it possible for people who want privacy about their location details while still being able to indicate where they live without giving away too much information about themselves at once. Users do have the ability hide their location info from appearing in their profile if desired however this may limit potential matches that could be made through Veggly’s matching algorithm since proximity between two parties has been shown statistically increase chances of successful connections forming over time . Premium subscriptions offer additional benefits when creating your profile including more detailed search options, increased visibility among other members ,and exclusive discounts offered by partnering businesses associated with veg lifestyle products & services


Veggly is a dating website that caters to the vegan and vegetarian community. It was created with the intention of helping people find like-minded partners who share their values when it comes to food, lifestyle, and beliefs. The site has several features such as an advanced search tool which allows users to filter potential matches by age range, location or dietary preferences; messaging capabilities for connecting with other members; a profile page where users can post photos and information about themselves; as well as user reviews so others can get an idea of what kind of person they are looking at before making contact.

The main advantages Veggly offers over traditional dating sites include its focus on vegans/vegetarians specifically rather than just being open for anyone regardless of diet preference – this helps ensure that everyone using the service is more likely compatible in terms of lifestyle choices. Additionally, since there are fewer members compared to general dating websites it’s easier for individuals seeking relationships within this niche market group because there will be less competition from non-vegan/non-vegetarian daters vying for attention online too! On top of all these benefits though one should also consider some drawbacks associated with using Veggly: namely privacy concerns due its smaller size (which could lead someone feeling exposed) plus any lack access control measures implemented by admins might leave vulnerable targets open malicious activity if not monitored closely enough .

At present time however no official app exists yet although plans have been made publically available regarding future development intentions including both Android & iOS versions potentially coming soon – something which would offer even greater convenience than simply visiting via web browser alone allowing mobile device owners direct access anytime anywhere without having worry logging into accounts manually each time first etc.. This makes sense given how many smartphone apps already exist nowadays catering towards various lifestyles interests needs etc., but until then those interested must still rely upon desktop computer usage only unfortunately whenever wanting use utilize services provided here currently speaking anyway…

Safety & Security

Veggly is committed to providing a secure and safe environment for its users. To ensure that the app remains free from bots, fake accounts, and other malicious activities, Veggly has implemented various security measures.

To verify user identity upon registration or when logging in to their account on Veggly’s platform, the company uses two-factor authentication (2FA). This process requires users to enter both their username/email address as well as a one-time code sent via SMS or email before they can access their account. Additionally, all photos uploaded by users are manually reviewed by staff members who check if any of them contain inappropriate content such as nudity or violence. If so then those images will be removed immediately without further notice given to the user responsible for uploading it.

The privacy policy at Veggly states that personal information provided during signup is kept confidential and only used internally within our organization unless explicitly stated otherwise in writing prior consenting with you first hand – your data won’t ever be shared outside of this scope under any circumstances whatsoever; we take extra precautions when dealing with sensitive financial details like credit card numbers which are securely encrypted using SSL technology while being stored on secured servers located offsite where no unauthorized personnel have access too!

Pricing and Benefits

Veggly: Free or Paid Subscription?

Veggly is a vegan dating app that connects people who share the same values and lifestyle. The question arises, do users really need to pay for a subscription on this platform? Let’s take a look at what Veggly has to offer in terms of free vs paid subscriptions.

Free Version

The basic version of the app is completely free with no hidden fees or charges. Users can create an account, set up their profile, search for potential matches and even send messages without paying anything extra. This makes it easy for anyone interested in finding someone special within the vegan community without having to spend any money upfront!

Paid Subscription Benefits & Prices

For those looking for more features from their experience on Veggly there are two different types of premium memberships available – Gold ($9/month) and Platinum ($19/month). These come with additional benefits such as unlimited messaging capabilities, access to advanced filters when searching profiles and priority customer support if needed. In addition these plans also provide discounts off certain products related to vegansim which could be quite useful depending on your interests!

Benefits Of A Premium Membership Include: * Unlimited Messaging Capabilities * Access To Advanced Filters When Searching Profiles * Priority Customer Support If Needed * Discounts Off Certain Products Related To Veganism

These prices seem competitive compared other similar services out there so they may be worth considering if you’re serious about meeting someone through this platform!

Cancellation Process & Refunds

If you decide later down the line that you don’t want your membership anymore then cancelling it should not pose too much difficulty either since all payments made via credit card will automatically stop after one month (or whatever period was chosen initially). Furthermore refunds are offered by contacting customer service directly but only under certain conditions like being charged twice due unexpected technical issues etc…so make sure read over all policies before signing up just in case something goes wrong during payment processing time!

Help & Support

Veggly is a great platform for vegans and vegetarians to connect with each other. It also provides support services for its users, so that they can get help when needed.

The first way you can access support on Veggly is through their website. There’s an FAQ page where you can find answers to commonly asked questions about the service, as well as contact information if you need further assistance from customer service representatives. You can also send them an email directly or call their hotline number which has staff available 24/7 who are ready to answer any of your queries in real-time.

In terms of response time, it usually takes around one business day before someone responds back via email or phone calls are answered immediately by the team at Veggly’s customer care center during working hours (Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm). They strive hard to provide prompt responses and solutions whenever possible but may take longer depending on how complex your query might be.


1. Is Veggly safe?

Yes, Veggly is a safe platform. It uses advanced encryption technology to ensure that all of your personal information and data remain secure at all times. All payment transactions are processed through Stripe, which is an industry-leading payment processor with strict security protocols in place for protecting user data. Additionally, the site has implemented measures such as two-factor authentication and email verification to help keep users’ accounts safe from unauthorized access or malicious activity.

2. Is Veggly a real dating site with real users?

Yes, Veggly is a real dating site with real users. It was founded in 2018 and has since grown to become one of the most popular vegan-focused online dating sites on the web. The website caters specifically to vegans who are looking for like-minded partners, offering them an easy way to connect with potential matches from around the world. On Veggly, you can create your own profile which includes information about yourself such as age range and location as well as lifestyle preferences such as dietary choices or activities that interest you so that other members can find out more about what makes you unique before deciding if they want to get in touch. You also have access to various features including chat rooms where people can interact directly without having first exchanged contact details; search filters allowing users narrow down their results by factors such as distance or interests; and even virtual events where members come together virtually for socializing opportunities!

3. How to use Veggly app?

Using the Veggly app is a great way to find vegan-friendly restaurants in your area. To get started, simply download the free app from either Google Play or Apple’s App Store and create an account. Once you have done that, you can start searching for vegan restaurants near you by entering your location into the search bar at the top of the page. You will then be presented with a list of all nearby eateries offering vegetarian and/or vegan options along with ratings so that you can easily decide which one to visit first! Additionally, each restaurant listing includes information such as opening hours, contact details and menu items so that it’s easy to plan ahead before visiting any establishment. Finally if there are no suitable places close by or if they don’t meet your needs – never fear! The Veggly team is constantly adding new listings every day so make sure to check back often for more delicious plant-based dining experiences around town!

4. Is Veggly free?

Yes, Veggly is free to use. The app allows users to search for vegan and vegetarian restaurants in their area as well as browse through a wide selection of recipes. It also provides nutritional information about the food items listed on its database so that users can make informed decisions when selecting meals. Furthermore, it offers an online community where people can connect with like-minded individuals who share similar dietary preferences or lifestyles. All these features are available at no cost which makes Veggly one of the most convenient and affordable ways to find vegan/vegetarian options while eating out or cooking at home!

5. Is Veggly working and can you find someone there?

Yes, Veggly is working and you can find someone there. It is a dating app specifically designed for vegans and vegetarians to meet like-minded people who share the same values. The platform offers an easy way to connect with potential partners in your area or around the world, depending on what you are looking for. You simply create a profile with information about yourself such as age, location, interests etc., upload some photos of yourself and start searching through other users’ profiles until you find someone that catches your eye! If both parties agree they want to chat further then it’s possible to exchange messages via text or video call before deciding if meeting up in person would be appropriate – making sure everyone feels safe at all times throughout their journey towards finding love!


In conclusion, Veggly is a great app for those looking to meet and date other vegans. It offers an easy-to-use interface that allows users to quickly search for potential partners in their area. The design and usability of the app are excellent; it’s intuitive and straightforward, making it simple to use even if you’re not tech savvy. Safety and security measures are also top notch – all user profiles must be verified before they can access the platform, ensuring only real people join up. Help & support services from both staff members as well as fellow community members make sure everyone gets help when needed while profile quality remains high due to strict guidelines on what content should be included in each one’s bio section (e.g., age range). All things considered, we highly recommend Veggly!

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Author Benjamin Adams

Benjamin Adams is an experienced dating expert who has been helping people find love for over 10 years. He is a contributing writer for various dating websites and apps, writing reviews and providing insight on the latest trends in the dating world. He is also an advocate for online safety, providing helpful tips and advice to keep people safe while dating online. Benjamin has a passion for helping people find the right match and making sure they have the best possible experience. He is dedicated to helping others find love, and his reviews and advice reflect this.